Developer reference - Tobi406/Magiclands GitHub Wiki

Developer reference


All scoreboards beginn with "ml." . This phrase is not listed in here.

  • "timer" Used for timing events.

  • "itest" Used to test for a carrot on a stick.

  • "lightning" Used for the lightning spell.

  • "basic" Used for the basic spell.

  • "raycastba" Used for the basic raycast.

  • "raycastli" Used for the lightning raycast.

  • "damageba" used for doing damage at the entity which is attacked at the basic spell


Same as scoreboards.

  • "sender" Used for idendtify the executor of a spell, while the raycast is active.


Same as scoreboards.

  • "lightning" Used to make the lightning bossbar cooldown.

  • "basic" Used to make the lightning bossbar cooldown.


  • "{basic_staff:1b}" This NBT-Tag is to identify the basic staff.

  • "{lightning_staff:1b}" This NBT-Tag is to identify the lightning staff.