Loot Conditions Light Level - Tmtravlr/LootOverhaul GitHub Wiki

Loot Conditions - Light Level


Property Type Description
level Float or Float Range The light level.
type String or String List The type of light to check. Valid options are SKY, BLOCK, and COMBINED. (Optional, defaults to COMBINED).


Checks the light level, either for the sky, blocks (like torches), or combined (highest of the two)

Example Usage: In high sunlight

"conditions": [
 		"condition": "lootoverhaul:light_level",
 		"type": "SKY",
 		"level": {
 			"min": 10

Example Usage: In low torchlight

"conditions": [
 		"condition": "lootoverhaul:light_level",
 		"type": "BLOCK",
 		"level": {
 			"max": 5

Example Usage: In pitch darkness

"conditions": [
 		"condition": "lootoverhaul:light_level",
 		"type": "COMBINED",
 		"level": 0
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