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Save all Renderlayers and Passes
Author: Tamir Lousky
Version: 0.02
Video Instructions on using this addon
Version 0.02 updates
- updated script to accommodate API changes in Blender 2.67, but still support older versions.
- Fixed bug with creating file outputs for environment render passes (Thanks for reporting it Harry Haran!).
The purpose of this script is to make it easy for anyone to render out all the render passes on all render layers into files, to composite in any program they would like to use (e.g. GIMP / Photoshop / Nuke / AE).
One of the concept / texture artists I work with asked for a quick way to do this, as he repeatedly had to save to individual images manually through the image editor, or to manually create and connect the renderlayer node's pass outputs into file output node/s, a repetitive time consuming task.
To automate this task, this script creates file output nodes for each render pass in each render layer, in the node editor.
File output nodes can actually have more than one file socket, so in theory you don't need more than one file output node to render out all the files you want. But due to a bug in the python API (which Brecht Van Lommel already fixed and committed to the SVN repo) I opted to create a single file output node for each render pass, so that the addon would work in previous versions of Blender as well.
The addon will also create one composite node, just to make sure that you can render your scene at all (in case you deleted all your compositing nodes before running the script).
To use the addon:
- Install from the python file ( User Preferences --> Addons --> Install from file )
- Open the node editor, choose to view the compositing nodes, and check "Use Nodes".
- Open the tools menu ( Shortcut key: T )
- Choose a folder to save out your rendered images, through the Options Panel --> Render --> Output.
- Click on the "Create File Nodes" button.
- Render your scene.
- Open your output folder and enjoy!