Snowflake Generator - Tlousky/blender_scripts GitHub Wiki

The snowflake generator creates Koch Snowflakes shapes, represented as profile / outline meshes (edges and verts only, with no faces).

Installation and Usage tutorial

To install the script:

  1. Download the script file from the Download Page.

  2. Open Blender, and go to the User Preferences Window --> Addons Tab --> Install from File.

  3. Open the downloaded script.

  4. Check "V" in the checkbox on the right to enable the script.

  5. Press "Save User Settings" if you want the script to be loaded by default.

To use the script:

Either go to the Add --> Mesh menu at the info panel's header, or simply open the add mesh menu through the Shift + A shortcut in the 3D view, then choose "Snowflake" from either menu.

After creating a snowflake, you'll be able to edit its parameters in the operator editing section at the bottom of the Tools Panel. The tools panel is located at the left side of the 3D View (open by tapping T on your keyboard if you can't see it).

How to use the "Snowflake Generator" script

Script parameters:

Radius: the size of the initial polygon from which the snowflake is generated.

Minimum: 0.1

Maximum: 100

Number of sides: The number of sides (edges) of the initial polygon, from which the snowflake is generated.

Minimum value: 3

Maximum value: 32

Iterations: Number of fractal subdivisions (in each one, every preexisting edge is subdivided and gets an additional triangle added at its center). Currently limited to 6 iterations, since more than that will likely take forever to calculate and might crash Blender.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 6