Modifier - TinyModularThings/UniqueEnchantments GitHub Wiki

Ameliorated Sharpness [Increased Attack Damage] {Weapon, Hoe}
[Attack] (flat) += sqrt(-0.5+sqrt(0.25+points))

Ares Fragment [Increased Critical dmg] {Weapon}
[CritDamage] (Total) *= (-0.5+sqrt(0.25+points))/100
Death's Odium [%current Health bonus dmg] {Weapon} 
[Damage] (flat) += targetHealth/100 * sqrt(-0.5+sqrt(0.25+points))

Famine's Odium [chance to apply any negative Potion Effects on Target] {Weapon}
[Chance] = (-0.5+sqrt(0.25+points))/100

Grimoire [Chance to not use Durability] {Durability} 
[Chance] = sqrt(points)/100

Ifrit's Judgement [Looting/Luck Level increase] {Any} 
[Level] += floor(log4(1+combinedPoints))

Lunatic Despair [Decreased Use Time] {Armor} 
[UsageTime] -= floor(log10(1+combinedPoints))

Pestilence's Odium [Reduces negative Potion Effect Duration] {Weapon, Armor, Tools} 
[PotionTime] (base) *= 1-(1/log10(10+combinedPoints))

Phanes Regret [Magic Damage Shield] {Weapon, Armor, Tools}
[ShieldSize] = ln(1+combinedPoints)
regens 1 per second

Phoenix's Blessing [Regen] {Armor}  (every 20 ticks)
[Heal] (flat) += sqrt(combinedPoints)/100

Rocketman [MovementSpeed] {Armor} 
[Speed] (total) *= log2(1+combinedPoints)/100

Thick Pick [Increased Mining Speed] {Tool} 
[MiningSpeed] (flat) += sqrt(-0.5+sqrt(0.25+points))

War's Odium [Lifeleech (Restores Health upon killing)] {Weapon}
[Heal] (flat) += log10(1+points)*random

This Feature is available with Unique Enchantments Base

You need the following Structure:

As seen above certain Enchantments grant certain "Modifier", to increase a certain Attribute you need for one the Structure and (multiple) of said Enchantments via Enchanted Books.
The item that should receive said Modifier has to be in the ItemFrame.
The process will be initiated by using a Bell against the ItemFrame.
Continue by dropping the Enchanted Books ON TOP of the Conduit.
In an interval Enchanted Books will consumed, regardless whether they have applicable Enchantments or not.
It will continue ticking until the Conduit will be unloaded or broken.