How to build - TinusTinus/replaymanager GitHub Wiki

This page describes how to build the Replay Manager.


  • JDK version 7 update 6 or later;
  • Maven version 3 (or 2);
  • Git.

How to build

To build the Replay Manager, perform the following steps:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xuggle-xuggler-arch-x86_64-w64-mingw32.jar -DgroupId=xuggle -DartifactId=xuggle-xuggler-arch-x86_64-w64-mingw32 -Dversion=5.4 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xuggle-xuggler-arch-i686-w64-mingw32.jar -DgroupId=xuggle -DartifactId=xuggle-xuggler-arch-i686-w64-mingw32 -Dversion=5.4 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xuggle-xuggler-arch-i686-pc-linux-gnu.jar -DgroupId=xuggle -DartifactId=xuggle-xuggler-arch-i686-pc-linux-gnu -Dversion=5.4 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xuggle-xuggler-arch-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.jar -DgroupId=xuggle -DartifactId=xuggle-xuggler-arch-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -Dversion=5.4 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xuggle-xuggler-noarch-5.4.jar -DgroupId=xuggle -DartifactId=xuggle-xuggler-noarch -Dversion=5.4 -Dpackaging=jar
  • if you're not using Windows:
    • make sure Tesseract is installed on your system;
    • open umvc3replayanalyser/src/test/resources/;
    • edit the value of tesseract-executable-path and point it to the Tesseract executable on your system;
  • run the following command in the umvc3replayanalyser-parent directory:
    • mvn clean package
  • if all goes well Maven will report: BUILD SUCCESSFUL;
  • open umvc3replayanalyser-assembly/target; this directory now contains the following files:
    • replaymanager-1.0-SNAPSHOT-linux-x64.tar.gz (Replay Manager for 64-bit Linux);
    • replaymanager-1.0-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86.tar.gz (Replay Manager for 32-bit Linux);
    • (Replay Manager for 64-bit Windows);
    • (Replay Manager for 32-bit Windows).