App05: Rock Paper Scissors Game - Timxthy/CO453 GitHub Wiki
App06: Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
RPS Game Pre-Lesson Video: Explaining the Game Logic (Console Version)
Help on a Windows Forms version of the RPS Game
Haroon's RPS Game in Windows Forms
If you are unable for any reason to be able to compile and run MonoGame projects, this is an alternative application.
This application can be:-
- Console Application (C#/Java)
- Windows Forms Desktop Application.
- ASP.NET Web Forms Applications.
- ASP.NET Web Application (MVC, Razor or Blazor)
- Xamarin Forms Application.
- Java Desktop Application
Rock paper scissors is a hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are "rock", "paper", and "scissors".
C# Graphical User Interface Tutorial
The application should:
- Display a suitable application heading
- Allow the player to enter their name and how many rounds make up one game
- Let the player select between Rock, Paper and Scissors
- Randomly selects between Rock, Paper and Scissors
- Update the game score at the end of each round.
- Display who the winner is at the end of a game.
- Ask the player at the end of a game if they want to play again.
- Restart the game if required.
Advanced Features
- High Score Table
- Two Human Player Version
As this is a simpler game than App05, students can get 80% by implementing the main features, and a further 20% for adding one advanced feature.
Game Use Case Diagram (20 Marks)
This must include all the proposed features, your tutor must mark it in week 11 before coding starts
Use Case Descriptions (20 Marks)
This must be created before coding starts and you tutor should mark it before you start coding in week 11
Game Class Diagram (20 marks)
This must be reverse engineered after coding is completed
Game Testing
Screen Shots (20 Marks)
At least 4 screen shots Game start, middle and ending (win and lose)
Game Walkthrough (20 Marks awarded in Testing)
A live demonstration or video of winning the game An live demonstration or video example of loosing the game
Evaluation (20 Marks)
The student should add five limitations or useful extensions that could be added to the application
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation
- Improvement, Extension or limitation