5. Daily Log - TimvanAlphen/functional-programming GitHub Wiki
Functional Programming Daily Log Tim van Alphen
- Volkskrant Lecture about the assignment.
- Codecamp, Basics javascript
- First look at dataset.
- Lecture: Deliverables
- Lecture: Recap clock-tech
- Lecture: Using the terminal
- Codecamp, Basics javascript & Basics Data Structures
- Load Surveydata (from JS file).
- Extra info about using the terminal and using Gitbook from Danny.
What I need to do:
- Starting with the cleaning a row of data.
- Finish CodeCamp.
- Fix GitHub and use GitHub Guide.
- With help from Yesterdays lecture I made a function that takes the "vooropleidingen" from the surveydata and puts it in an array.
- With help from Fun Fun Function I wrote a filter-function that takes the MBO,s HAVO's or VWO,s out of the "vooropleidingen".
- With help from Fun Fun Function I wrote a map-function that puts an "=)" behind the MBO's, HAVO's or VWO's.
- Continued CodeCamp.
What I need to do:
- Starting with the cleaning a row of data.
- Verder met CodeCamp.
- Finish CodeCamp.
- Clean up Wiki.
- Cleaned up my Wiki. Added a Home, Debrief and JS refresh page.
- Learned how to use Markdown
- Lecture about api's and async
- Used RDW to get insights on possible datasets to use in case
- Did a brainstormngsession to get new ideas for case.
- Came up with research question for case.
- Used map and filter to clean up row of data.
- Continued Codecamp.
- Lecture by Laurens about API fetching
- Continued cleaning up the surveydata with help from Gijs Laarman.
- Cleaned up Wiki
- Continued watching the API fetching lecture.
- Added research question, datasets and variables to readme.
- Continued with the API fetching lecture and coded with the lecture.
- Lecture about feedback.
- Giving feedback to Lars and Merlijn.
- Lecture about formulating research questions and using the wiki.
- Continued with API lecture.
- Lecture by Serena from the Volkskrant.
- Continued with API fetching.
- Gave peerfeedback to Lars
- Processed peerfeedback from Lars
- Started sketching idea's
- Cleaned up Repo
- Cleaned up Wiki
- Made a simple first sketch for in README.
- Cleaned up Wiki.
- Continued with API fetching.
- Started with the Curran D3 tutorial.
- Made a new repository for frontend-data.
- Continued with the SVG and D3 tutorials by Curran.
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