Project Folder Structure - TimTimTstuff/WoWClassicGuildBank GitHub Wiki


  • backend [Backend files (php)
    • data [PHP classes which load or manage data]
    • modules [Different Modules which work indipendently]
    • pages [Static / Semi-Static HTML content files]
    • model [Classes for Database and other model objects]
  • frontend [Frontend files (js,ts,css)]
    • script [js files]
    • tscript [typescript files]
    • style [css files]
  • test [testing stuff]
  • index.php [App startup]

Module Folder

A module is a folder in the backend/modules folder. The module loader will include the module.php file in this folder. A modul is loaded if you put ?view=<> in the url.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️