Save Function - Tikolu/SETTI GitHub Wiki

The Save function can be used to submit text to a page.


setti.Save(page, content, showOutput)

page - the page you want to edit, if not specified, will target the main page

content - what you want the new content of the page to be

showOutput - not required, True by default. if True, will print out content to the console

The Save command will save the text content to the page page and print out content to the console if showOutput is True.


setti.Save("wasp", "According to all known laws of aviation...")

Sets the page's contents to "According to all known laws of aviation...".

import datetime

Sets the contents of the page to the current date and time.

promptA = "What page would you like to edit?"
promptB = "What would you like the page's new contents to be?"
promptC = "The page has been saved."

setti.Save(input(promptA), input(promptB), False)

Asks the user for the page and contents but tells SETTI not to output the text, as the program has a custom message.