Append Command - Tikolu/SETTI GitHub Wiki

The Append function can be used to add text to the bottom of a page, without changing any other contents.


setti.Append(page, text, printOutput)

page - the page you want to add text to, if not specified, will target the main page

text - the text that you want to be added to the page

printOutput - not required, True by default. if True, will print out a confirmation message

The Append command will take text and paste it on a new line at the bottom of the page page, leaving all other lines unchanged. It will print out Appended text to page. to the console if showOutput is True.


setti.Append("clock", "This page is owned by clock.")

Adds the text "This page is owned by clock." to the bottom of the page

pageList = ["tikolu",
for page in pageList:
     setti.Append(page, "Part of the ITC Community.")

Adds the text "Part of the ITC Community." to the bottom of every page in the list pageList.

import datetime
username = input("Enter your username: ")
setti.Append("TheEmojiMovie", "Editted using SETTI by " + username + " at " +

Asks the user for their username and ads it (along with the current date and time) to the bottom of the page TheEmojiMovie.