RS 232: TigerStop Serial - TigerStop/TigerStopSDK GitHub Wiki
Comm Spec 4.0
Serial RS-232 Command interface TigerStopAmp version 5.60 6/30/2016
There are both 1 letter and 2 letter commands. All commands are listed as ASCII characters (click here for ASCII tabel ), and for the purposes of this wiki the carriage return command (0xD) will be listed in bold as cr, this is identical to pressing enter from a terminal emulating serial.
Rs232 interface overview:
Most commands are one or two letters followed by an ENTER key. To read the current TS position enter "Pcr". The Amp 5.x will return "xx.yyycr". For a two letter command you can enter as "MTcr" or "M Tcr". Amp 5.x returns an X for neg ACK (nack) or an A for ACK.
RS232 interface command format:
Some commands like 'D' have 3 ways to use.
"Dcr" display all system data at one time.
"D1cr" display system data item '1'
"D1 1.123cr" enter 1.123 to system data item 1
Command Overview:
Comd | Name | Comd | Name |
'A' | Analog interface | 'O' | I/O status |
'B' | Comd & Error Log | 'P' | Comm 1 position comd |
'C' | Counter interface | 'R' | Comm 1 Read comd |
'D' | System data interface | 'S' | Comm 1 Status + S record loader to controller |
'E' | Comm 1 Estop | 'U' | Setlist interface |
'F' | Special functions | 'V' | Comm 1 Version |
'G' | Comm 1 Go comd | 'W' | Comm 2 write comds |
'H' | Comm 1 Home comd | 'X' | jump to loader |
'I' | Comm 1 Input comd | 'Z' | RTOS status |
'L' | comm 2 Look comds | '0' | Display 3phase motor drive data |
'M' | Move interface | '?' | Help |
Explanations And Examples:
note: r = read only, w = write only and r/w = read and write
Analog interface
There are 6 analog sub-commands
0 = r all 5 channels
1 = r Drive current
2 = r High Voltage
3 = r +15 volts
4 = r Amp temp in C
5 = r +24 volts
Serial send:"A**cr**"= (0x41)(0x0D)
Serial return:
"1, Drive Current, 1.1**cr**"
"2, High Voltage, 160.0**cr**"
"3, +15 Volts, 15.0**cr**"
"4, Amp temp, 25.9c, 78.6f**cr**"
"5, +24 volt, 24.6**cr**"
Serial send: "A2**cr**" = (0x41)(0x32)(0x0D)
Serial ret:
"A data**cr**", A = ACK (0x41), data = return data,**cr** = Enter (oxoD)
Serial Error:
"X EC=2 Bad Arg", index outside 0-5 range, X = NAK, EC = error
code, Bad Arg = error text
Command & Error Log
B sent with no number will display the last 20 entries
B with an index number will display entries starting
with your index and working back 20 entries.
B20 will display entries 20-40 with 20 the newest
and 40 the oldest
Serial send: "B**cr**" = (0x42)(0x0D)
Serial ret:
"Comdt= d,Comd= w,Src = -1,P Gain= 31.000,time= 0d:0h:12m:23s"
"Comdt= M,Comd= W,Src= -1,Move to= 50.000,time= 0d:0h:10m:13s"
"ERROR = Move Max Limit, time = 0d:0h:10m:13s**cr**"
Comdt is the command type, same as the command overview list above
Comd is the sub command for the given command type ie MG
Src is the source of the command for the data write
* Controller = 18
* Serial is -1
time is ON time from first power up
'B' will display the last 20 entries with the newest at top of list.
Counter interface
There are 25 subcomds
C or C0 = r all subcomds will display on serial
Cn = r n entry, n = 0-25
Serial send: "C**cr**" = (0x43)(0x0D)
Serial return:
1, UpTime = 6020
2, PowerOns = 1
3, WLMoves = 0
4, ManualMoves = 0
5, Total Moves = 0
6, SerComds = 9
7, CanComds = 0
8, Total Comds = 9
9, CNTRuserWrt = 0
10, CNTRbuWrts = 0
11, SIuserWrts = 0
12, SIbuWrts = 0
13, SIfactWrts = 0
14, Total Inchs = 0, ft=0.0, miles=0.000, meters=0.000
15, C log Index = 0
16, E log Index = 0
19,Amp Temp Avg = 0.0c 32.0f
20,Amp Temp Max = 0.0c 32.0f
21,MotorAmp Avg = 0.0, HP = 0.0
22,MotorAmp Max = 0.0, HP = 0.0
23,Tool Time ms = 0
24,IJ Hard Errs = 0
25,IJ Soft Errs = 0
Serial send: "CX**cr**" = (0x43)(0x31 0x38)(0x0D)
Serial ret:
"C data**cr**", C = ACK (0x43), data = return data,**cr** = Enter (oxoD)
Serial Error:
"X EC=2 Bad Arg", index outside 0-5 range, X = NAK, EC = error
code, Bad Arg = error text
System data interface
Serial: "D?**cr**" list of new D commands
Serial ret:
"D" all data but Controller and Timers
"DC" controller data
"DD" drive data
"DM" move data
"DT" timer data
"D15 ?" debug help
Serial: "D15 ?**cr**" list of D15 debug enables
Serial ret:
Can debug = 32 - 0x20,
MoveErrs = 64 - 0x40,
Drv LB = 128 - 0x80,
Pnt debug = 256 - 0x100
MemSegs"y"= 512 - 0x200,
I/O debug = 1024 - 0x400,
PntDummy = 8192 - 0x2000,
Position = 16384 - 0x4000,
Debug = 32768 - 0x8000
SingleStep= 65535 - 0x10000,
State Disp=131972 - 0x20000
There are 124 system data subcomds
D or D0 wil display most 102 entries, serial only
Dn = r/w n entry, n = 0-123
'D' will return all SystemInfo data but Timers and Controller only data
Serial: "D**cr**" = (0x44)(0x0D)
Serial return:
1-P Gain =2.0 2-I Gain =0.50 3-D Gain =20.0 4-Vel In =25.0
5-Vel Out =25.0 6-Acc In =75.0 7-Acc Out =75.0 8-Dec In =75.0
9-Dec Out =75.0 10-Lim Max =78.0 11-Lim Min =6.0 12-IOP Baud=9600
13-Scale =2.36205 14-Dither =50 15-Debug =0 16-Clamp 1 =5.0
17-Clamp 2 =-5.0 18-Position=78.0 19-PrtType =7 20-PrtBaud =9600
21-CommBaud=19200 22-JetOffse=3.0 23-Kerf =0.125 24-Head Cut=2.0
25-Tail Cut=2.0 26-Outfeed =0 27-Backoff =0 28-Retract =2.0
29-Ret Offs=0 30-Feed Haz=0 31-Load Off=0 32-Max SPL =178.0
33-opti Sco=2.0 34-opti Tim=2.0 35-opti Pen=1.0 36-Move Del=0
37-Lash =0.030 38-SM Table=0 40-Motor Ty=0 41-ME Zero =1
42-language=0 43-conSleep=0 44-MMEnable=0 45-contrast=100
46-prt Name=0 47-prt Cuts=0 48-ret type=1 49-IOReadMa=0
50-IOWritMa=0 51-presetty=0 52-wastefir=0 53-conPW = ******
64-ComPanel=2.0 77-S cpi =5.50 78-L cpi =2.825 79-Pnt Dly =-0.20
80-TH LV M =525 81-TH LV B =12000 82-Can Dly =3.0 88-SC Rel =0
89-TH HV M =275 90-TH HV B =12000 91-StallMEP=1.0 92-StallMES=1.0
93-Run MEP =1.0 94-Run MES =0.20 95-RateGain=50.0 96-RateThes=0.50
97-SetPntSy=1.0 98-Timer =0 99-FindVel =0 100-FindErr=300.0
103-IR Type=0 105-Mtr CPR=4000 106-Mtr Pol=8 107-Adv Set=0.20
108-DrvAccL=7000 109-TM Offs=6.0 110-TM Enab=0 111-Fast Ca=1
112-Fast Un=0 113-QFilter=14.0 114-DFilter=10.0 115-EFilter=2.0
116-Brk TYP=0 117-PF_Up_P=24.0 118-Rev Jog=0 119-VJ Font=0
120-Crayon =0 121-UV_IR_O=1.950 122-PF_Offs=29.250 123-D Margi=0
--->>>> NOTE NEVER change the valuses for 105-108 <<<<---
'DD' will return data used in Drive calculations
Serial ret:
1-P Gain =2.0 2-I Gain =0.50 3-D Gain =20.0 4-Vel In =25.0
5-Vel Out =25.0 6-Acc In =75.0 7-Acc Out =75.0 8-Dec In =75.0
9-Dec Out =75.0 10-Lim Max =78.0 11-Lim Min =6.0 14-Dither =35
105-Pd Gain=0.50 106-Id Gain=0 107-Pq Gain=0.50 108-Iq Gain=0
'DM' will return data used in movement control
Serial ret:
10-Lim Max =78.0 11-Lim Min =6.0 80-TH LV M =600 81-TH LV B =15000
89-TH HV M =300 90-TH HV B =8000 91-StallMEP=1.0 92-StallMES=1.0
93-Run MEP =1.0 94-Run MES =0.20 95-BrkVel =32.0 96-BrkGain%=30.0
97-SetPntSy=1.0 98-FindMax =0 99-FindVel =10.0
'DT' will return Timer data
Serial ret:
54-ClampOn_=0.10 55-SawOn_D =0.10 56-DMOff_TO=5.0 57-TAOn_TO =5.0
58-TAOff_TO=5.0 59-DMOn_TO =5.0 60-ClampOff=0.10 61-SawCyc_D=0.10
62-RSD_Rdy_=0.70 63-Timer10 =0.20
'DC' will return data used by the Controller only, not used by the amp
Serial ret:
39-Sys Type=0 42-language=0 65-**cr**ossCal=60.0 66-**cr**ossAla=0
67-HandyOpt=0 68-Waste =2.0 69-DropBox =2.0 70-Defect =0
71-L Range =0.20 72-L Count =0 73-Laser ME=0 74-L Limit =144.0
75-L Ref =5.0 76-Cld Sty =0 83-Inf =0 84-PetClear=0
85-Pet Dim =0 86-Banana1 =24.0 87-Banana2 =36.0 101-DrillMo=0
Serial: "DX**cr**", D = (0x44), X = 1-102 (0x31-0x31 0x30 0x32), **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
Serial ret:
Serial Error:
ME for Move E Stop
E Stop is redirected to'F"
Special functions
There are 7 sub-commands
1 = w Save Factory
2 = w Load Factory
3 = w Load Defaults
4 = w Load HV Defaults
5 = w Controller loader interface
6 = w Sleep mode
7 = w Wake up
Note: you will get unpredictable results for 6 and 7
if the controller is in sleep mode.
Serial: "FX**cr**", F = (0x46), X = 1-4 (0x31-0x34), **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
Serial Ret:
"A**cr**", A = ACK, **cr** = Enter (oxoD)
Serial Error:
"X EC= N TEXT",X = NAK, N = Error Code, TEXT = EC Text
The Go command
This command is redirected to the [MG](#m) command.
Note 1: The MG command also supports Velocity, ramps for one movement. To use the full command enter
Serial: "MG 123.456 23.000 50.000 45.000cr" M = move command G = Go sub comd 123.456 = position to move to 23.000 = velocity for this movement 50.000 = accell for this movement 45.000 = decel for this movement cr = Enter
MH under moves.
The Home command is redirected to'L'
Look commands
There are 4 sub-commands
p = r position
R = r Raw Data
S = r State
T = r Latched
w = r read word from comm controller (ver5.41)
The LR command will read 8 bits of data.
The bottom 4 bits are read from the amp port and
the top 6 bits come from IO1 on the first comm panel. Plus
one new command has been added, "LW" for look word
Serial: serial commands only
"LW#**cr**" Will read 12 bits from comm panel 1 I/O 1 and I/O 2
"#" is the comm controller # 1-4, if no '#' is given
then 1 is assumed.
"LW**cr**" read word from comm panel 1
"LW1**cr**" read word from comm panel 1.
Move interface
There are 6 sub-commands
MG = go to position
MH = Home
MS = Stop
ME = E Stop
MM = Min-Max
MD = drive Test
Serial: "MG123.456**cr**", M = 0x4D, G = 0x47, 123.456 = position,
**cr** = Enter (0x0D)
"MH**cr**", M = 0x4D, H = 0x48, **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
"MS**cr**", M = 0x4D, S = 0x53, **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
"ME**cr**", M = 0x4D, E = 0x45, **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
"MM**cr**", M = 0x4D, M = 0x4D, **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
"MD**cr**", M = 0x4D, D = 0x44, **cr** = Enter (0x0D)
Serial Ret:
MG has 2 acks, "MGS" for Move Go Start and for traget position
"MGF" for move fnished.
MS has 1 ack , MSS for comd ack
ME has 1 ack , MES for comd ack
MH has 3 acks, MGF for each of the 3 movements.
MM has 6 acks, MGF for each of the 6 movements
MD has
Serial Error:
"X EC= N TEXT",X = NAK, N = Error Code, TEXT = EC Text
I/O status
Serial: "O**cr**", O = 0x4F,**cr** = Enter (ox0D)
Serial Ret:
Status + S record loader to controller
Setlist interface
There are 3 subcomds
H = w Header to amp to start the SetList DL
K = w Keyboard char to amp
S = w Set data
Write comdmands
Serial: serial commands only
"WB 3**cr**" will write a 3 to the bottom 2 bits on the amp and
set the top 2 bits to 0 along with the 6 bits on
the first port on the first Comm controller. This
is the SAME action as the 4.72 WB to both of the
IO conntectors on the 2C amp. The amp2C 4 bit port
covers bits 0,1,2,3 the 6 bit port covers bits 2,3,
4,5,6,7 and yes bits 2 and 3 are the same for both
ports. The difference between the 2C and 3A is the
6 bit port is the first port on the first Comm
controller for 3A(5.XX).
BIT pin
0 (1) 5 on amp SE AIK SIK
1 (2) 2 on amp DM AIK SIK
2 (4) 4 on amp & 2 on I/O1 FS AIK
3 (8) 3 on amp & 3 on I/O1 TA AIK
4 (10) 4 on I/O 1 Beeper SAW
5 (20) 5 on I/O 1 Printer SAW
6 (40) 6 on I/O 2 Clamp1 SAW
7 (80) 7 on I/O 2 Clamp2 SAW
The WW comd is new to v5.41. Data can be in decimal,hex
or octal.
125 will be taken as a deciaml number
0x7D will be taken as a HEX number
0175 will be taken as an octal number
"WW# wData wMask**cr**" Write Word with mask, # = 1,2,3,4 for 1 of 4
comm controllers. If # is not used 1 is assumed.
Logic for word write operation.
"pins = pins AND ~wMask OR wData"
to turn on bit 2 wData = 4, wMAsk = 4
to turn off bit 2 wData = 0, wMask = 4
If you dont give a wMask then 0x0FFF is assumed meaning
any bit you do not turn on with the wData
will be turned off (all 12 bits will be updated)
port 1 = 6 bits 0,1,2,3,4,5, port 2 = 6,7,8,9,10,
11,only 12 bits are used.
BIT pin
0 (1) 2 on I/O 1 Brake control
1 (2) 3 on I/O 1 res.
2 (4) 4 on I/O 1 Beeper TigerSaw
3 (8) 5 on I/O 1 Print trigger TigerSaw
4 (10) 6 on I/O 1 Clamp1 & SwingClamp
5 (20) 7 on I/O 1 Clamp2
6 (40) 2 on I/O 2 Top Clamp TigerSaw
7 (80) 3 on I/O 2 Learning Clamp TigerSaw
8 (100) 4 on I/O 2
9 (200) 5 on I/O 2
10(400) 6 on I/O 2 PusherFoot TigerSaw
11(800) 7 on I/O 2
RTOS status
Serial send: "Z**cr**", Z = 0x5A,**cr** = Enter (ox0D)
Serial Return:
UpTime = 0d:0h:4m:47s LFS = 5400 MemSegs = 2/4
Task Name Pri Stack f/u
SI Mutex Pri 3 0/ 0
CanTask 4 504/ 296
Rs232Task 5 400/ 400
XmitTask 6 1556/ 244
ComdTask 7 544/1256
SM Task 8 528/ 272
MoveTask 9 1028/ 172
Analog Task 10 468/ 332
FunTask 11 660/ 140
SITask 13 440/ 160
CntrTask 14 656/ 144
HK Task 16 404/ 396
pos = 0.000, drive = 10
LFS Largest Free Segment, largest free memory segment from the memory pool.
MemSegs X/Y, X = memory segments allocated now, Y = Max number allocated
Display 3phase motor drive data
Serial: "0**cr**", 0 = 0x30,**cr** = Enter (0x0D)
lTarget = 0, lErr = 0
ang = 0, drv = 0, off = 0
snA = 0, snB = 0, snC = 0
dv1 = 0, dv2 = 0, dv3 = 0
Serial: "?**cr**", ? = 0x3F,**cr** = Enter (0x0D)
Serial Ret:
A ->Analog#-RD, B ->comd Log-D, C ->Counters#-RD, D ->Data#-RWD
DC->Data Controller,DD->Data Drive, DM->Data Move, DT->Data Timer
D?->Data Help, G ->Go pos,vel,accel,decel-W
ME->Move Estop-W, MG->Move Go pos,vel,accel ,decel-W, MH-> Move Home-W
MM-> Move MinMax-W, MS->Move Stop-W,
O ->Input-R, P ->Position-R, V ->Version-R
XYZZY ->Jump to Loader-W, Z ->OS Data-D ? help-R
Comd# where # is 0 - n, 0 = display all, ComdN = read Comd index n
R = read used with # to read one item at a time,W same as R but writing
D = Display, all items at once in term mode only
Status States:
PS_HALT = 0 drive is online and not moving
PS_ACCEL = 1 drive is accelerating
PS_CONST = 2 drive is at constant speed
PS_DECEL = 3 drive is decelerating
PS_LASHSEEK = 5 drive is doing lash seek
PS_STOP = 7 drive is decelerating to stop NOT at Goal
PS_SLEEP = 8 drive is sleeping
PS_DDRIVE = 9 drive is under direct control of controller
Return Error Codes:
ERR_NONE, = 0 no errors
ERR_COMD, = 1 bad command type
ERR_ARG, = 2 bad Arg
ERR_RS232INDEX, = 3 bad index
ERR_MOVEPARA, = 4 bad parameter
ERR_MOVEBUSY, = 5 Move system is in use at this time
ERR_MOVEMAX, = 6 MAX move error
ERR_MOVEMIN, = 7 MIN move error
ERR_MOVEFAR, = 8 Far limit trip error
ERR_MOVENEAR, = 9 Near limit trip error
ERR_MOVENOTRDY, = 10 sub system not ready for command
ERR_FLASHWRT, = 11 error in writing to flash
ERR_SERECNA, = 12 Enable Code NOT Available
ERR_SERECINDEX, = 13 bad EC index
ERR_SEREXIST, = 14 Serial number already exist
ERR_ECDUP, = 15 EC already exist in EC history buffer
ERR_ECTO, = 16 EC Time Out on wirte operation
ERR_FACT_CS, = 17 factory checksum error
ERR_H1MOVE, = 18 home stge 1 error
ERR_H2MOVE, = 19 home stge 2 error
ERR_H3MOVE, = 20 home stge 3 error
ERR_MM1MOVE, = 21 MinMax 1 error
ERR_MM2MOVE, = 22 MinMax 2 error
ERR_MM3MOVE, = 23 MinMax 3 error
ERR_MM4MOVE, = 24 MinMax 4 error
ERR_MM5MOVE, = 25 MinMax 5 error
ERR_SOC, = 26 Safe Operation Code error in SM
ERR_NOTKNOWN, = 27 error not known
ERR_AIK_NE, = 28 AIK system not enabled
ERR_FA_NE, = 29 AIK Full Auto not enabled
ERR_MAXERR, = 31 over max error limit during movement
ERR_BAD_EC, = 32 bad EC does for current serial number
ERR_MLA, = 33 Miss-aligned access error
ERR_COMDQF, = 34 Command Que is full, message lost
ERR_ITRIP, = 35 current trip in amp module
ERR_RSDR, = 36 the RSD return from the client timed out
ERR_DMALLOC, = 37 Malloc over run error
Selectable Baud rates:
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600*, 115200, 230400
* default buad
Debug enable bits
32 0x20 send data from the amp-con comm out the serial port
64 0x40 displays Error values at knees
128 0x80 loopback target to pos, no movement but pid happy
256 0x100 label print via the onboard serail for debuging
512 0x200 debug mem allocation requester
1024 0x400 turn in verbose for the IO controller
2048 0x800 drives the IO pin 1 (saw enable) 2 x SI_IOREAD in MS
4096 0x1000 Flips the trigger for the inkjet printer
8192 0x2000 print 4 dummy fields, inkjet
16384 0x4000 display position and move errors
32768 0x8000 debug data display
65536 0x10000 single step state machine
131972 0x20000 display the state number at change in state
262144 0x40000 display the 3 phase data every 200ms if moving
**(ex)** "D15 0x40" = display max errors at end of movement.
**Note:** You can also you can turn on more then one
item at a time by adding the number for the items you want on.
**(ex.)**To turn on amp-con data and Error values both 32 + 64 = 96
so set D15 to 96.