Modeled NPC - Ticxo/Model-Engine-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Modeled NPC

Create a non-player type NPC. The default type will be and if you fail to change it you will not be able to correctly add the Model trait. A full list of NPC commands and examples on creating NPCs can be found in the Citizens wiki.

Make sure the NPC is selected by looking at the NPC and running the command /npc select. If you just created a new NPC it will be selected by default.

Use the NPC type command /npc type (if needed) to change the NPC type from player to any other type. Example (PIG)

Add the Model trait by using the trait command. /trait add model. At this point you should see the NPC become invisible.
If you are using R3+, do /trait add meg_model instead.

You can now use the command to add your custom model to the NPC. /meg trait model add

There are several limitations to using Citizens NPCs and all MythicMob functionality in not supported at this time. Some examples of this: You cannot mount NPCs. There are no commands to manually change the animation state of an NPC. and there is currently no way to change model parts.

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