Configuration - Ticxo/Model-Engine-Wiki GitHub Wiki

You can configure a handful of options in config.yml. Here is a detailed explanation of all the options.

Model Engine

Options under this category handle the functions in-game.


Setting this value to a positive integer will deactivate any models with no players within set range. Deactivated models would not stop mobs from moving, but only stop the model from moving. When a player approaches the frozen model or the mob, it will activate itself again and continue moving.


Setting this value to a positive integer will specify how many ticks the plugin will wait before setting the armor stand back to marker, after exiting a block. If you see any weird behaviors, such as model forever darkened, or there are errors in the console. Set the value to -1 and disable this function.


If set to false, non-modeled entities have a higher hit and click priority than modeled entities, even when the modeled entities are in front of them.


If set to true, rotational animation would calculate the shortest path to the new rotation. For example, 0 to 360 degrees would cause the bone to not rotate at all, as the shortest path is to not rotate. *Blockbench does not use Slerp, so if you want your animation to be exactly how it looks in Blockbench, set this to false.


Tell Model Engine the default animation for the 5 listed states: idle, walk, fall, land and death. Default values are the same as the states.


The mode used when animating and moving models. Both consist of A mode and B mode. A mode is usually smoother, and B mode is more accurate.

Model Generator

This category handles the functions for the generator

Generate On Start

Enabling this option will have the generator generate a new set of configs every time it starts. If disabled, use /me reload models to regenerate the model files.


The namespace used to generate the folder of all model files. Usually, it will be your server name.

Enable Error

If enabled, provides useful logs on why your model is not working properly.


Should the generator overwrite previously generated model files.

Compartment Size

This value sets how much Custom Model Data to offset when generating models from another folder.
For example, you have 3 models in blueprints and 4 models in blueprints/animals. Model Engine will generate the 3 models in blueprints first, then offset the Custom Model Data by this value, and finally generate the 4 models in blueprints/animals.