Common Model Engine Mistakes - Ticxo/Model-Engine-Wiki GitHub Wiki

Due to how often people have the listed issues in game, this page has been created. Give it a look, maybe it'll solve your issues.

Mob falling out of the world

  1. There is no hitbox.

Mob suffocating

  1. The pivot point of the hitbox bone (headshot area) is below Blockbench’s default 1x1 block grid.

Floating leather horse armor

  1. Modelengine’s resource pack is not in use or not properly applied. Check if you did this step correctly.

Black and purple cubes

Something in the leather_horse_armor.json file or modelengine\models folder is wrong. These are some, not all reasons this issue is happening.

  1. Model parts not existing
  2. Total size of bone exceeds 7x7x7 (in cubes) limit
  3. Pivot point of a rotated cube causes cube to be outside 7x7x7 limit when unrotated.
  4. Illegal rotation of a cube somewhere. Cubes are limited to 0, 22.5, -22.5, 45, and -45 degree angles. (It cannot be factors of those numbers like 90 or 67.5) Bones are not limited. This issue can also appear as body parts rotated weirdly.

Black and purple textures

  1. The texture does not exist.
  2. The texture has the wrong name/the model is looking for a texture with the wrong name.

Blacked out model parts

  1. The pivot point of the affected bone is too low. All bones are placed on the head slot of an armor stand, location determined by pivot point. When the pivot point is too low, the armor stand is in the ground causing it to turn black. Raising it to about y=0.8 seems to be the minimum height to avoid this.

Resource pack not loading

  1. Missing a pack.mcmeta file. Info abut that here.
  2. The resource pack has an extra folder in it before the assets and pack.mcmeta files. For example, aresourcpack/myresourcepack/assets would need to be changed to myresourcepack/assets.