Tiberium - TiberiumWorld/A-Tiberium-World GitHub Wiki


Tiberium is a crystals that suck up minerals and nutrients from the ground like a sponge. They alter the terrain and make it inhospitable for carbon based life. This is represented in game via terrain province and state modifiers.

Game Rules

Icon Name Options
Arrival Tiberium Arrival Random (The meteor will arrives some day within a 25 year period; unknown when.)Start (The meteor will arrive at the start of the game.)*1995 (The meteor will crash in to earth som day in 1995.)Never (The meteor will never arrive; Why did you download this mod?)
Growth Tiberium Growth Rate Low (10%)Medium (20%)*High (40%)Extream (60%)
Spread Tiberium Spread Rate Low (20%)Medium (30%)*High (40%)Extream (50%)

* = Default



Modifier Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
local_manpower -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%
local_non_core_manpower -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%
recruitable_population_factor -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%
local_factories -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%
local_building_slots_factor -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%
army_speed_factor_for_controller -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%
local_resources -30% -50% -70% -85% -100%


Modifier Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
attrition 0% 2% 4% 6% 8%
army_speed_factor -10% -15% -25% -45% -60%
army_attack_factor -10% -20% -30% -40% -50%
dig_in_speed_factor -10% -15% -20% -25% -30%
positioning -5% -10% -15% -20% -25%

Standalone Tiberium Spread

Whant to make a custom senario, submod or dont whant C&C Tech? You can fork it on github!