Hadron production in proton proton with the JETSCAPE framework - TianyuDai/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags GitHub Wiki
Using the proper configuration file, JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml
, to generate p+p events with the center of energy at 2760 GeV.
<nEvents> 500 </nEvents>
<JetScapeWriterAscii> on </JetScapeWriterAscii>
<Q0> 1.0 </Q0>
<in_vac> 1 </in_vac>
<vir_factor> 0.25 </vir_factor>
<recoil_on> 0 </recoil_on>
<broadening_on> 0 </broadening_on>
<brick_med> 0 </brick_med>
Run the p+p events using the configuration file
mkdir /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-output/pp2760
cd /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/build
./runJetscape ../config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml
Use a python script to generate p+p events for different pTHatBins, and run the p+p events with corresponding configuration file.
The python script is JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/analysis/ppEventGenerator.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import argparse
pTHat_list = [10., 20., 50., 80., 120., 200., 500., 1380.]
current_path = os.getcwd()
for i, new_pT_hat_min in enumerate(pTHat_list[:-1]):
with open(current_path+'/../config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml', 'rb') as xml_file:
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
name = root.find('outputFilename')
file_name = current_path+'/../../JETSCAPE-output/pp2760/%.6f' %(new_pT_hat_min)
name.text = file_name
name.set('updated', 'yes')
hard = root.find('Hard')
pythia = hard.find('PythiaGun')
pT_hat_min = pythia.find('pTHatMin')
pT_hat_max = pythia.find('pTHatMax')
pT_hat_min.text = str(new_pT_hat_min)
pT_hat_min.set('updated', 'yes')
new_pT_hat_max = pTHat_list[i+1]
pT_hat_max.text = str(new_pT_hat_max)
pT_hat_max.set('updated', 'yes')
tree.write(current_path+'/../config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml', xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8')
os.system(current_path+'/../build/runJetscape '+current_path+'/../config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml')
Run the following command:
mkdir /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-output/pp2760
cd /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/build
cp ../analysis/ppEventGenerator.py .
python3 ppEventGenerator.py
Check the code JETSCAPE-rhich-ags/analysis/ppAnalysis.cc
, which reads JETSCAPE Ascii output file and processes the final hadron information.
The framework JETSCAPE-rhic-ags
is modified to read to cross section information for each pTHatBin. This modification is not included in public version of JETSCAPE.
has been added this part:
bool StringTokenizer::isSigmaGenEntry() const {
if (buffer.length() == 0)
return false;
if (buffer.find("# sigmaGen") < 100)
return true;
return false;
bool StringTokenizer::isSigmaErrEntry() const {
if (buffer.length() == 0)
return false;
if (buffer.find("# sigmaErr") < 100)
return true;
return false;
has been added this part:
if (strT.isSigmaGenEntry()) {
string token_s;
while (!strT.done()) {
token_s = strT.next();
if (token_s.compare("#") != 0 && token_s.compare("sigmaGen") != 0) sigmaGen = stod(token_s);
if (strT.isSigmaErrEntry()) {
string token_s;
while (!strT.done()) {
token_s = strT.next();
if (token_s.compare("#") != 0 && token_s.compare("sigmaErr") != 0) sigmaErr = stod(token_s);
We use JETSCAPE-rhich-ags/analysis/ppAnalysis.cc
to analyze p+p collisions. To get it run with JETSCAPE, we should re-compile the framework.
Add the following lines to JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/CMakeList.txt
include_directories(./analysis/ )
add_executable(ppAnalysis ./analysis/ppAnalysis.cc)
target_link_libraries(ppAnalysis JetScape )
Run the following command to re-compile:
cd /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/build
cmake -DUSE_MUSIC=ON ..
make -j4
The processed data will be created in /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-output/pp2760/pp2760_chargedHadron.txt
Plot p+p cross section using a python script and compare the results with CMS12 data:
python3 /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/analysis/plot_pp2760_charged_hadron.py
The figure of charged hadron cross section will be generated in /rhic_ags_school/JETSCAPE-output/pp2760/pp2760_chargedHadron_data_compare.pdf