Hadron production in nucleus nucleus with the JETSCAPE framework - TianyuDai/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags GitHub Wiki

Configuring A+A collisions

Use the configuration file JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/config/jetscape-user-AA200.xml to generate A+A events with the center of mass energy 200 GeV:

  <nEvents> 2500 </nEvents>
  <JetScapeWriterAscii> on </JetScapeWriterAscii>

  <ReuseHydro> True </ReuseHydro>
  <nReuseHydro> 100000 </nReuseHydro>


    <grid_max_x> 15 </grid_max_x>
    <grid_max_y> 15 </grid_max_y>
    <grid_max_z> 0.0 </grid_max_z>
    <grid_step_x> 0.3 </grid_step_x>
    <grid_step_y> 0.3 </grid_step_y>
    <grid_step_z> 0.3 </grid_step_z>

                <PhysicsInputs cross-section="4.2" normalization="13." projectile="Au" sqrts="200" target="Au">
                <CutInputs centrality-high="20" centrality-low="10">
                <TransInputs fluctuation="0.9" nucleon-min-dist="0.4" nucleon-width="0.8" reduced-thickness="0.1">
                <LongiInputs jacobian="0.8" mean-coeff="0.0" skew-coeff="0.0" skew-type="1" std-coeff="100.0">

    <NullPreDynamics> </NullPreDynamics>


      <in_vac> 1 </in_vac>
      <Q0> 1.0 </Q0>

      <alpha_s> 0.3 </alpha_s>
      <pcut> 2. </pcut>
      <Q0> 1.0 </Q0>
      <hydro_Tc> 0.16 </hydro_Tc>



Run A+A collisions

Use the following command to run A+A collision in one pTHatBin:

mkdir /rhic-ags-school/JETSCAPE-output/AuAu200
cd /rhic-ags-school/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/build
./runJetscape ../config/jetscape_user_AA200.xml

We can also use a python script to generate configuration files for different pTHatBins, and run A+A collisions in the corresponding pTHatBin:

cd /rhic-ags-school/JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/build
cp ../analysis/AAEventGenerator.py .
python3 AAEventGenerator.py

However, running AA events at different pTHatBins will consume a lot of computational time. We recommend to only run in one pTHatBin:[60, 100] as an example.

./runJetscape ../config/jetscape_user_pp200.xml

Run p+p collision

Modify JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml to run p+p collisions at the center of mass energy 200 GeV.

Write a new configuration file JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/config/jetscape_user_pp200.xml based on JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/config/jetscape_user_pp2760.xml:

  <nEvents> 2500 </nEvents>
  <JetScapeWriterAscii> on </JetScapeWriterAscii>
      <Q0> 1.0 </Q0>
      <in_vac> 1 </in_vac>
      <vir_factor> 0.25 </vir_factor>
      <recoil_on> 0 </recoil_on>
      <broadening_on> 0 </broadening_on>
      <brick_med> 0 </brick_med>

The python script ppEventGenerator.py enables us to generate p+p collisions at different pTHatBins:

mkdir /rhic-ags-school/JETSCAPE-output/pp200
cd /rhic-ags-school/JETSCAPE-ags-rhic/build
python3 ppEventGenerator.py

However, to calculate RAA, we keep the settings for pp collisions compatible with the settings for AA collision, so we only run pp events in only one pTHatBin: [60, 100].

./runJetscape ../config/jetscape_user_pp200.xml

Calculate RAA

Now, we have AA events data saved in JETSCAPE-output/AuAu200/ and pp events data saved in JETSCAPE-output/p200/. We can use them to calculate RAA. We use analysis/AAAnlysis.cc to extract information of final state charged hadrons from those raw data. We should first compile analysis/AAAnlysis.ccto get it run in JETSCAPE framework. To compile AAAnalysis.cc with JETSCAPE, add the following content to JETSCAPE-rhic-ags/CMakeList.txt:

add_executable( AAAnalysis ./analysis/AAAnalysis.cc )
target_link_libraries( AAAnalysis JetScape )

The first parameter of analysis/AAAnlysis.cc should be the location of raw data, and the second parameter should be the location of the output file. We run analysis/AAAnlysis.cc for both AA data and pp data:

cd /rhic-ags-school/JETSCAPE-ags-rhic/build
./AAAnalysis ../../JETSCAPE-output/AuAu200 ../../JETSCAPE-output/AuAu200/AuAu200_chargedHadron.txt
./AAAnalysis ../../JETSCAPE-output/pp200 ../../JETSCAPE-output/AuAu200/pp200_chargedHadron.txt

We then use the python script plot_RAA.py to generate a figure of charge hadron RAA at the center of mass energy as 200 GeV.

python3 plot_RAA.py
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