MTF Rēsh 1 Wiki - TiagoVXII/resh-1-website GitHub Wiki
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Overview MTF Rēsh-1, also known by its nickname "Seat of Consciousness," is an elite and highly classified task force within the SCP Foundation. Operating under the direct orders of The Administrator, MTF Rēsh-1 is a top-tier response team, called upon when the Foundation fails to execute standard protocols or when tasks assigned by The Administrator require additional resources and expertise. The task force frequently collaborates with MTF Alpha-1 and MTF Omega-1 for joint operations.
Composition and Clearance Level Though the exact details of the MTF Rēsh-1 composition remain classified, it is believed that the unit is comprised of the best Foundation operatives worldwide. Only the most skilled and highly-trained individuals are selected to join this esteemed task force. However, due to the secretive nature of MTF Rēsh-1, the true identities and number of its members remain unknown.
Regarding clearance levels, some custom canons mention that all Rēsh-1 operators have Omni/L5 clearance. However, this information cannot be confirmed or verified in any way due to the high level of secrecy surrounding the task force.
Operations and Achievements MTF Rēsh-1 has earned a formidable reputation within the Foundation for its successful completion of highly sensitive and dangerous missions. The task force has been involved in multiple classified missions aimed at eliminating high-value threats to the Foundation. Notably, MTF Rēsh-1 has successfully executed [Redacted] missions targeting the [Redacted] on several occasions.
One such notable incident was "Incident-1-001-Alpha." During this event, the Foundation discovered [Redacted], who was identified as a vessel for [Redacted]. Further experiments on [Redacted] led to the loss of their ability to recognize [Redacted], rendering them immune to [Redacted] or [Redacted] effects. Upon the Ethics Committee uncovering these findings, MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" was dispatched to handle the situation. However, The Administrator intervened and deployed MTF Rēsh-1 to the site to take control of the situation.
Incident-1-001-Alpha The incident began with the Foundation's discovery of [Redacted], who was found to be a vessel for [Redacted]. As experiments progressed, it became evident that [Redacted] lost their ability to recognize [Redacted], effectively granting immunity against [Redacted] or [Redacted] effects. To contain the situation, MTF Omega-1 was deployed.
The intervention of MTF Rēsh-1 quickly escalated the situation, resulting in a massive battle within SITE 01 involving all three MTFs. During the confrontation, casualties were sustained, and inexplicably, some individuals survived after being shot in the head.
Notably, a man was observed attempting to gain access to SCP [Redacted] during the chaos, and MTF Rēsh-1 operator "talki~-1" was found guarding the containment chamber. The events surrounding the encounter remain heavily redacted and classified, with details only accessible to personnel with appropriate clearance levels.
The situation concluded with the man uttering [DATA EXPUNGED] to SCP [Redacted], resulting in the demise of individuals on the ground at SITE 01.
Conclusion MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" remains an enigmatic and highly effective task force operating under the direct command of The Administrator. Their history of success in dealing with high-priority and classified threats to the Foundation has earned them a well-deserved reputation within the organization. The exact nature of their operations and the extent of their capabilities continue to be shrouded in secrecy, known only to those with the highest levels of clearance within the Foundation.