pt_BR Seaking - Thutmose/Pokecube GitHub Wiki

Goldeen<- ->Staryu

| --- | --- | Tipo: Água Numero: 119|

##Descri??o Seaking ? um Água Pokemob. Seaking evolui para Goldeen.

##Lista de movimentos naturais

N?vel Movimento
- Megachifre (Megahorn)
- Golpe Venenoso (Poison Jab)
- Bicada (Peck)
- Cauda Chicote (Tail Whip)
- Esporte Aquático (Water Sport)
- Supersônico (Supersonic)
5 Supersônico (Supersonic)
8 Ataque de Chifre (Horn Attack)
16 Pulso de Água (Water Pulse)
24 Ataque de Fúria (Fury Attack)
29 Agilidade (Agility)
32 Cascata (Waterfall)
40 Chifre Broca (Horn Drill)
54 Megachifre (Megahorn)
##TM ou Lista de Movimentos ovo
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Tóxico (Toxic) Granizo (Hail)
Nevasca (Blizzard) Hiper-Raio (Hyper Beam)
Fachada (Facade) Descansar (Rest)
Escaldar (Scald) Gigaimpacto (Giga Impact)
Poder Secreto (Secret Power) Confiar (Confide)
Cauda de Áqua (Aqua Tail) Queda de Corpo (Body Slam)
Esporte de Lama (Mud Sport) Bofetada de Lama (Mud-Slap)
Esmaga-Crânio (Skull Bash)
##Compat?vel para Reprodu??o
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Goldeen Seaking
Lanturn Qwilfish
Sharpedo Barboach
Relicanth Alomomola
##Encontrado em biomas
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Savanna M Birch Forest Hills
Swampland M Forest
Extreme Hills+ The Void
Flower Forest River
Roofed Forest M The End
Birch Forest M MushroomIslandShore
Mega Taiga Hills Stone Beach
Desert JungleHills
Extreme Hills ForestHills
Birch Forest Hills M Mesa Plateau F M
Deep Ocean TaigaHills
Cold Taiga DesertHills
Mesa Mesa (Bryce)
Mega Taiga Birch Forest
Taiga Savanna
Jungle M JungleEdge
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