pt_BR Magikarp - Thutmose/Pokecube GitHub Wiki
Tauros<- | ->Gyarados |
#Magikarp |
| --- | --- | Tipo: Água Numero: 129|
Magikarp ? um Água Pokemob.
Magikarp evolui para Gyarados no N?vel 20.
##Lista de movimentos naturais
N?vel | Movimento |
- | Espirrar (Splash) |
15 | Investida (Tackle) |
##Compat?vel para Reprodu??o | |
--- | --- |
Goldeen | Seaking |
Chinchou | Lanturn |
Carvanha | Sharpedo |
Feebas | Relicanth |
##Encontrado em biomas | |
--- | --- |
Savanna M | Birch Forest Hills |
Swampland M | Forest |
Extreme Hills+ | The Void |
Flower Forest | River |
Roofed Forest M | The End |
Birch Forest M | MushroomIslandShore |
Mega Taiga Hills | Stone Beach |
Desert | JungleHills |
Extreme Hills | ForestHills |
Birch Forest Hills M | Mesa Plateau F M |
Deep Ocean | TaigaHills |
Cold Taiga | DesertHills |
Mesa | Mesa (Bryce) |
Mega Taiga | Birch Forest |
Taiga | Savanna |
Jungle M | JungleEdge |
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