pt_BR Kingler - Thutmose/Pokecube GitHub Wiki
Krabby<- | ->Voltorb |
#Kingler |
| --- | --- | Tipo: Água Numero: 099|
Kingler ? um Água Pokemob.
Kingler evolui para Krabby.
##Lista de movimentos naturais
N?vel | Movimento |
- | Esporte de Lama (Mud Sport) |
- | Bolhas (Bubble) |
- | Pinça Prensa (Vice Grip) |
- | Olhar Malicioso (Leer) |
5 | Pinça Prensa (Vice Grip) |
9 | Olhar Malicioso (Leer) |
11 | Endurecer (Harden) |
15 | Raio de Bolhas (Bubble Beam) |
19 | Tiro de Lama (Mud Shot) |
21 | Garra de Metal (Metal Claw) |
25 | Pisada (Stomp) |
37 | Guilhotina (Guillotine) |
44 | Batida (Slam) |
51 | Salmoura (Brine) |
56 | Martelo Caranguejo (Crabhammer) |
##TM ou Lista de Movimentos ovo | |
--- | --- |
Garras Afiadas (Hone Claws) | Tóxico (Toxic) |
Raio de Gelo (Ice Beam) | Nevasca (Blizzard) |
Cavar (Dig) | Quebra-Telha (Brick Break) |
Fachada (Facade) | Descansar (Rest) |
Roda (Round) | Golpe Falso (False Swipe) |
Dança das Espadas (Swords Dance) | Deslize de Rocha (Rock Slide) |
Substituto (Substitute) | Esmagamento de Rocha (Rock Smash) |
Corte (Cut) | Surfar (Surf) |
Agilidade (Agility) | Amnésia (Amnesia) |
Tirar Lasca (Chip Away) | Desarmar (Knock Off) |
##Compat?vel para Reprodu??o | |
--- | --- |
Slowbro | Krabby |
Crawdaunt | Dwebble |
##Encontrado em biomas | |
--- | --- |
Savanna M | Birch Forest Hills |
Swampland M | Forest |
Extreme Hills+ | The Void |
Flower Forest | River |
Roofed Forest M | The End |
Birch Forest M | MushroomIslandShore |
Mega Taiga Hills | Stone Beach |
Desert | JungleHills |
Extreme Hills | ForestHills |
Birch Forest Hills M | Mesa Plateau F M |
Deep Ocean | TaigaHills |
Cold Taiga | DesertHills |
Mesa | Mesa (Bryce) |
Mega Taiga | Birch Forest |
Taiga | Savanna |
Jungle M | JungleEdge |
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