Migrating from loop based code - ThunderboltsRobotics/EZ-WPILibJ GitHub Wiki

Migrating from Iterative

Refactor package (Optional)

The package name org.usfirst.frc.teamXXXX no longer reflects the FIRST website. This API uses org.firstinspires.frc.framework.* and recommends org.firstinspires.frc._XXXX (where XXXX is your team number) for teams.

Main class

Somewhere in your project, there will be a class (called Robot by default) that extends IterativeRobot. In this class, among other things, there may be various methods:

  • robotInit()
  • disabledInit() and disabledPeriodic()
  • autonomousInit() and autonomousPeriodic()
  • teleopInit() and teleopPeriodic()
  • testInit() and testPeriodic()

To start, change extends IterativeRobot to extends BetterRobot (you may have to import org.firstinspires.frc.framework.granulation.BetterRobot manually). Then shorten robotInit() to init(), shorten autonomous*() to auto*(), and finally replace *Init() with *Start() and *Periodic() with *Loop(). The new list of functions is:

  • initialize() (or init())
  • disabledStart() and disabledLoop()
  • autoStart() and autoLoop()
  • teleopStart() and teleopLoop()
  • testStart() and testLoop()

...and they get run by the FMS (or DS, locally) in the same way.


Next, motors. WPILibJ's motor controller classes are overflowing with methods, and you need to know how the motors are plugged in. To fix this, find where you've got one of:

  • Jaguar someName = new Jaguar(someNumber);
  • SD540 someName = new SD540(someNumber);
  • Spark someName = new Spark(someNumber);
  • Talon someName = new Talon(someNumber);
  • TalonSRX someName = new TalonSRX(someNumber);
  • Victor someName = new Victor(someNumber);
  • VictorSP someName = new VictorSP(someNumber);

...and replace it with MotorController someName = new MotorController(RioHWPort.PWM_someNumber, MotorControllerType.someType);, where the name can be whatever you'd like (e.g. tankDriveRight, lifterArm), the number is the same PWM port number, and the type is the type of speed controller (note that WPILibJ's Talon class is for the Talon and TalonSR models).

Using CAN, not PWM? Replace any of:

  • CANJaguar someName = new CANJaguar(someNumber);
  • CANTalon someName = new CANTalon(someNumber);

...with MotorController someName = new MotorController(new RioCANID(someNumber), MotorControllerType.someType); (the type must be Jaguar or TalonSRX). Here, the CAN ID is an object instead of an enum because the IDs aren't limited to 0-9.

These MotorController objects have a few simple methods:

  • .setSpeed(), to 'write' the desired value;
  • .reverse(), to reverse (put a - in front of it) — note that reversing it twice makes it go forward as expected;
  • .isReversed(), to see if it's reversed or not.