OctoPrint‐E3S1PROFORKBYTT_Thumbnails plugin - ThomasToka/MarlinFirmware GitHub Wiki

As of v024 MARLIN-E3S1PROFORKBYTT with its OctoPrint-E3S1PROFORKBYTT_Thumbnails plugin is able to stream thumbnails of gcode files loaded in OctoPrint to the display of the printer.

To accomplish this you need the following:

  • MARLIN-E3S1PROFORKBYTT v024 (or newer) mainboard and screen firmware installed
  • OctoPrint
  • OctoPrint-E3S1PROFORKBYTT_Thumbnails plugin
  • with one of the printdata postprocessing scripts sliced gcode
  • printer connected to OctoPrint
  • sd card in the printer for temporary file storage of the thumbnail.


  1. Install OctoPrint and disable all M73 sending Plugins like (Print time genius, Display progress on display)
  2. Download the OctoPrint Plugin here: https://github.com/ThomasToka/MarlinFirmware/blob/Firmware-Binaries/OctoPrint-E3S1PROFORKBYTT_Thumbnails.zip
  3. Install the Plugin over the OctoPrint "Get more" function through "Upload"



  1. restart your OctoPrint like purposed by the installation process and login again

  2. go to api and copy your Master API key:


  1. Got to the plugin configuration and enter your API Key, leave all other presets as they are and save.


  1. connect your printer, dont forget that you need a inserted sd card in the printer and load a file.

If everything is correct you will see short this loading status:


After this thumbnail should appear in OctoPrint and on the printer display:


Appendix 1: Printing from Slicer

It is only possible that the thumbnail is transferred if you dont start the print from your slicer directly. You can transfer it to the printer over the slicer but need to load and start the print manually.

1.) if you slicer transfers it only it is ok. then you select it and press print.

2.) if you slicer transfers it and selects it is ok. then you press print.

3.) if you slicer transfers it, selects it and starts the print it is not ok and won´t work.

Appendix 2: Temporary files that are created during thumbnail upload

Two files are created on the sdcard and directly delete after the thumbnail transfer to the display. So dont have files on the card that are called "OCTODGUS.GCO" or "TEMP.GCO". Both will be overwritten and deleted.