Extruder flowrate - ThomasToka/MarlinFirmware GitHub Wiki
As of v004 we have a new behavior for the set values over the adjust page.
I did some tests as the question came up if the Extruder Flowrate will be set on the adjust page if
- the page was entered and left
- what happens if a flow change is in the gcode of the printed file and changed on the adjust page
i did the following:
- set 85% flow in gcode right after purge line:
G1 X3.4 Y20 Z0.28 F1500.0 E30 ;Draw the second line
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
M221 S85
- started print and waited till the gcode was through
- went to the adjust menu. the flow shows the with gcode sent value of 85 as i entered the menu after the code was sent
- entered 95 in the flow field
- left the adjust menu with the back button
- a save was forced
Recv: echo:Settings Stored (944 bytes; crc 564)
Recv: //action:notification Settings Stored
Recv: //action:notification Settings Stored
Recv: T:180.02 /180.00 (623.75) B:30.03 /30.00 (3862.94) @:29 B@:0
Recv: SD printing byte 28955/1909433
- then i stopped the print and looked which value the printer has:
Send: M221
Recv: echo:E0 Flow: 95%
Recv: ok P15 B7
Send: M27
- after printer reboot the value is NOT resetted:
Send: M221
Recv: echo:E0 Flow: 95%
Secondly i tested if the set flowrate will survive a reboot without pushing the back button:
- 85% in gcode after purge line
- let the code go through
- on entering the adjust page 85 is shown
- change value to 95% without pushing the back button
- turn printer off
- check what value after reboot is visible
after reboot 100% as the value was not saved
Sidenote: If you only sent for example M221 S85 in the gcode and never enter the adjust menu and leave it. Your M221 will not survive a reboot. But if you do a M500 after the usage of a gcode with for example M221 S85 then it will be saved as default.
SO TAKE CARE if you sent M221 over a gcode and then save your settings. M221 will be also saved now!!!
You can reset your flowrate over touch on Ready -> In/Out -> Extruder Flowrate
It will also be saved to eeprom there!