Bootloader recovery - ThomasToka/MarlinFirmware GitHub Wiki

If you should once come in the situation to reflash your bootloader here is the process of the recovery:

  • you need a st-link burner (also clones work)
  • get the st-link software from the st-link site
  • locate the 4 pins of J201 on the board
  • from the side of the card reader it is: vcc,dio,clk,gnd
  • connect wires to your st-link
  • load the bin bootloader into stlink, leave everything else default
  • connect to your board under "Target" -> "Connect"
  • do under "Target" -> "Erase chip" first
  • then click "programm"
  • click start, its ready within some microseconds

see the pinout in the user manual: user_manual_ender_s1_pro.pdf

bootloader is here: