Bed Leveling (Tramming) (4 point) - ThomasToka/MarlinFirmware GitHub Wiki
Move all the wheels on the bed to compress the springs fully, until you cannot turn them anymore, but do not force them or you can break them
Back each out 1.5 - 2 turns
Turn on machine. You can start here if you have leveled / trammed while doing 1 and 2 before.
Warm the bed to the temp you are using or 60 C
Warm the nozzle to the temp you are using or 200 C. You can click on the blue numbers on the home screen to set the temps.
Wait 10-15 minutes after everything is to temp
Home Z (ready > home button between up and down)
Go into manual level (do not go into CR touch)
Adjust z offset on point 1 using the paper trick or a feeler gauge of 0.1 mm
Press the up arrow on 0.05 until you can see space between the bed and nozzle. Slide the paper / feeler gauge under the nozzle and press the down on 0.05 or 0.01 while moving the paper / feeler gauge. Adjust the z offset until you feel slight resistance on the paper / feeler gauge as you pull on it while keeping it straight.
Go into manual CR touch level and run "autorun". Adjust until the points (there should only be 5) are all close to each other (ignore the center). You can click each corner point as you turn the wheels to check. Start with the highest or lowest corner. Spend as much time on this as possible to get the 4 corner points as close as possible. This will pay off when going to print. Click one corner, adjust it as needed, and click it again to check. You might want to click the corner again before any changes if the number it reads is far off of what it was before you clicked the corner. Go to the next corner and next in clockwise or counter clockwise fashion until you make it back to the last corner you turned a wheel on without turning the other three. The adjustments will get smaller and smaller as you go along.
Run the autorun on the CR touch a few times and watch the numbers. They should stay close to each other and not jump around by large margins. They will change every single time you run the autorun, but as long as they stay close you should be good to go.
Home Z (ready > home button between up and down)
Go into manual level (do not go into CR touch)
Adjust z offset on point 1 using the paper trick or a feeler gauge of 0.1 mm
Go into auto level and run it
Go and print what you are printing. Use "M420 S1 Z10" after "G28" in your gcode to use the saved mesh taken in step 15, or use "G29" after "G28" in your gcode to take a new mesh every time you print. I suggest printing 3D Benchy ( (at least the first 4 layers) and checking the words on the bottom to verify your z offset. Below is a example of the z offset being perfect. You may see the lines in the first layer. You should be able to catch your finger nail in the lettering. If you are unable to catch your finger nail in the lettering and/or the lettering looks thinner than the given image, then the nozzle is too close to the bed. Adjust the z offset by raising it by 0.05 and print again. If the lines in the very first layer have space between them, then the nozzle is too far from the bed. Adjust the z offset by lowering it by 0.05 and print again. You can use 0.01 to fine tune the z offset to your liking.
(ignore the cat hair...)