fssynthlib - ThomasTheSpaceFox/Floored-Square-Simple-Synth GitHub Wiki
fssynthlib.py provides waveform generation functionality for pygame applications, and possibly other sound APIs (only tested with pygame)
- square
- triangle
- sawtooth
- distorted tangent (a purposely cutoff tangent wave) (used in drum sequencer)
- square pulse
- triangle pulse (slides from one sawtooth extreme (1.0) to a triangle (0.5) and then to the other extreme (0.0)
to include in your programs:
- copy the README.md file from this repository (or if you are using a stable release, use the one from the downloaded release) and rename it to fssynthlib_README.md and link to/mention it in your project's README.md, with the text:
[my project's name] ships with **fssynthlib.py**, a general-use waveform synthesis library from
the FSSS synthesizer suite. You can find its readme in [fssynthlib_README.md's path]
- add a section to your project's README.md titled 'fssynthlib'
- in this section, add the text:
[my project's name] ships with **fssynthlib.py**, a general-use waveform synthesis library from
the FSSS synthesizer suite. Its README is included in the section below.
- and add the fssynthlib readme contents IN FULL below said text.