Error solutions etc. - ThomasRueckert/sensorSim GitHub Wiki
SIGSEV, segmentation fault
valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-reachable=yes \ --log-file=valgrindlog.txt ./NAME_OF_YOUR_EXECUTABLE -r RUN_NUMBER -u \ Cmdenv -c NAME_OF_YOUR_CONFIGURATION -n NED_PATH1; NED_PATH2 -l \ LIB_PATH1 -l LIB_PATH2 --record-eventlog=false --debug-on-errors=false \ ./omnetpp.ini
for example: modules/mac/./Mac80211.h:28:27: fatal error: Mac80211Pkt_m.h: No such file or directory
- Extract "mixim-2.3.tar.gz" (tar xvzf mixim-2.3.tar.gz)
- Change into the directory just extracted (cd mixim-2.3)
- Execute "make makefiles"
- Start the build by "make"
- Import the just built project using the omnet++ IDE
or/and execute from mixim root directory:
find . -type d -exec sh -c '(cd {} && opp_msgc -I ./ *.msg)' \;
Uncheck the "copy projects into workspace" checkbox, and then click "refresh" button, you will be able to import the project
if you just create the project and leave the options unchanged omnet++ will not be able to link in the classes when referencing the project
- solution (this has to be done on the project which will be used as library):
"You can change the makemake option by opening your project properties, then find OMNeT++ at the left panel. Click the arrow next to it and you can find several options including the makemake option. What I did was changing the option for my src folder by marking the radio button next to Makemake in the Build frame (the upper right). When Makemake is selected then the "Options..." button will be available. Open the Makemake options by clicking respective button. The Makemake options dialogue will be opened.
At the options dialogue, in the Target tab, choose Shared Library as the target type. This should make your project as library for another projects. By the way, you can also see this configuration by opening the other frameworks (such as Veins or INET) project properties."
source file not found (on debugging), all runs fine, breakspoints stop the execution, but the file can not be opened
right click on the network ned file
'debug as' -> 'debug configuration'
go to tab 'Debugger' and there choose the tab 'Shared Libraries'
add the relative path to the lib (for example inside Module1/src/exampleNet.ned choose the path ../../SharedModule/SharedModule)
generate the relative path:
inside 'debug configuration'
go to tab 'Main'
click on link '>>more'
behind the edit field 'Advanced' -> 'Dynamic Library' click on the 'Browse'-Button
choose the shared libraries lib-file (.so/.dll etc)
then the path will appear inside the edit field 'Dynamic Library' (do not save it if the option stored in is important, just copy the path and add in like written earlier)