Recipes Java - Thomas-S-B/Telemee GitHub Wiki
Some recipes to use telemee in Java - more to come.
1 - Include the TelemeeJavaClient (available on mavencentral) into your pom:
2 - Write a Telemee-Helper-class:
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.boundary.TelemeeJavaClient;
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.entity.Channel;
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.entity.ChannelAttribute;
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.entity.TelemeeApp;
public class Telemee {
private final TelemeeJavaClient tj = new TelemeeJavaClient();
private final TelemeeApp TEST_APP = new TelemeeApp("my testapp");
private final Channel TEST_CHANNEL = new Channel("my test channel");
private final ChannelAttribute TEST_CHANNELATTRIBUTE_CURRENTTIME = new ChannelAttribute("CurrentTime in ms");
private final ChannelAttribute TEST_CHANNELATTRIBUTE_X = new ChannelAttribute("X");
private final ChannelAttribute TEST_CHANNELATTRIBUTE_Y = new ChannelAttribute("Y");
public Telemee() {
public synchronized void log(long x, long y, String message) {
.startLogEntry(message, TelemeeJavaClient.INFO)
3 - Use it in your javacode:
Telemee telemee = new Telemee();
telemee.log(123, 456, "This is a testmessage");
Write an interceptor, which creates the telemeelogs:
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke;
import javax.interceptor.InvocationContext;
public class TelemeeInterceptor implements Serializable {
Telemee telemee;
public Object intercept(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Object result = ctx.proceed();
long duration = System.nanoTime() - start;
telemee.logPerformance(ctx.getMethod().getName(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(duration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), start);
return result;
Then for convenience a telemee-singleton EJB:
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.boundary.TelemeeJavaClient;
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.entity.Channel;
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.entity.ChannelAttribute;
import de.strullerbaumann.telemeejavaclient.entity.TelemeeApp;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.Singleton;
import javax.ejb.Startup;
import javax.ejb.TransactionManagement;
import javax.ejb.TransactionManagementType;
import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
public class Telemee {
private final TelemeeJavaClient tj = new TelemeeJavaClient();
private final TelemeeApp TEST_APP = new TelemeeApp("My EE-App to test");
private final Channel PERFORMANCE_CHANNEL = new Channel("Performance methods");
private final ChannelAttribute TEST_CHANNELATTRIBUTE_CURRENTTIME = new ChannelAttribute("CurrentTime in ms");
private final ChannelAttribute TEST_CHANNELATTRIBUTE_METHODNAME = new ChannelAttribute("Methodname");
private final ChannelAttribute TEST_CHANNELATTRIBUTE_DURATION = new ChannelAttribute("Duration in ms");
public void init() {
public void logPerformance(String methodName, long duration, long start) {
.startLogEntry("Performance method " + methodName, TelemeeJavaClient.INFO)
Activate/Bind the interceptor to the class(es) you want to measure:
public class BeanWeWantToMeasure implements Serializable {
Open http://localhost:8080/telemee to browse the generated data.
Now you can get graphs similar like this linechart (you can group by the methodname):
You can see in a chronology way which methods are called and also their performance.