About Us - Thomas-Macomber/WalletFricker GitHub Wiki

The development team for Wallet Fucker currently consists of only Thomas and Sean. We're both college students fresh out of high school! Makes you wonder if we know what we're doing right?? Me too.


  • Pursuing a degree in Mechanical engineering
  • Writing the more logic and trade based code for wallet fucker
  • Will always take an opportunity to get on a mountain; snowboarding or downhill mountain biking!
  • Understands the world like he's 30, acts like he's 12


  • Pursuing a degree in software development ( he pulls his load a lot more than me..... )
  • Writing the more engine based "makes it work" code for wallet fucker
  • Can beat the shit out of literally any video game with his eyes closed
  • Is annoyed by people who act 12 ( we make a great team )