[API] Driver Bluetooth - Thomas-Broussard/hackberry-enableFrance GitHub Wiki

class Hackberry_bluetooth


Members Descriptions
public Hackberry_bluetooth() Constructor of the Bluetooth module driver
public void init(unsigned char pinRx,unsigned char pinTx,unsigned char pinPower) Initialize the Bluetooth module driver
public void start() start Bluetooth module
public void stop() stop Bluetooth module
public bool isStarted() check if bluetooth module is started or not
public unsigned long getLastActivityTime() Get the last activity time of the bluetooth module Remark : the activity time is updated when bluetooth module is started, when it send something, or when it receive something. This function is mainly use to do an automatic shutdown of the module when it is unused (since 10 minutes for example)
public void send(char c) send character through bluetooth emitter
public void send(String message) send String through bluetooth emitter
public void send(int message) send Integer through bluetooth emitter
public String receive() check if data are available in buffer of bluetooth receiver
public void setName(String name) Set the bluetooth module name
public bool setPassword(String password) Set the password of the bluetooth module
public void setBaud(unsigned long baudrate) Set the bluetooth speed communication


public Hackberry_bluetooth()

Constructor of the Bluetooth module driver

public void init(unsigned char pinRx,unsigned char pinTx,unsigned char pinPower)

Initialize the Bluetooth module driver


  • pinRX digital input - hackberry RX pin (= bluetooth TX pin)

  • pinRX digital output - hackberry TX pin (= bluetooth RX pin)

  • pinPower digital output - used to power ON/OFF the bluetooth module

public void start()

start Bluetooth module

public void stop()

stop Bluetooth module

public bool isStarted()

check if bluetooth module is started or not


true if started. false otherwise

public unsigned long getLastActivityTime()

Get the last activity time of the bluetooth module Remark : the activity time is updated when bluetooth module is started, when it send something, or when it receive something. This function is mainly use to do an automatic shutdown of the module when it is unused (since 10 minutes for example)


last activity time (in ms)

public void send(char c)

send character through bluetooth emitter


  • c character to send

public void send(String message)

send String through bluetooth emitter


  • message String to send

public void send(int message)

send Integer through bluetooth emitter


  • message Integer to send

public String receive()

check if data are available in buffer of bluetooth receiver


data received as String

public void setName(String name)

Set the bluetooth module name


  • name Name to apply

public bool setPassword(String password)

Set the password of the bluetooth module


  • password to apply


true if password is correctly set, false otherwise

public void setBaud(unsigned long baudrate)

Set the bluetooth speed communication


  • baudrate speed to apply (in baud per seconds)