[API] Driver Battery - Thomas-Broussard/hackberry-enableFrance GitHub Wiki

class Hackberry_battery


Members Descriptions
public Hackberry_battery() Constructor of the Battery driver
public void init(unsigned char pinBattery) Initialize the Battery driver
public unsigned char read() read the level of the battery monitor
public unsigned char readAverage() Perform a battery monitor reading by averaging the result on 16 consecutive points


public Hackberry_battery()

Constructor of the Battery driver

public void init(unsigned char pinBattery)

Initialize the Battery driver


  • pinBattery analog input - pin of the battery monitoring system

public unsigned char read()

read the level of the battery monitor


lvl of battery (between 0 and 100%)

public unsigned char readAverage()

Perform a battery monitor reading by averaging the result on 16 consecutive points


average level of the battery (between 0 and 100%) on 16 consecutive acquisitions