Permissions - ThisKarolGajda/OpEconomy GitHub Wiki

All latest permisions to properly use OpEconomy (You need permission plugin)

(Every permission is bypassed if you have Operator)

Money section:

  • "" - if you don't have this permission it will block you from doing anything with this command
  • "" - allows you to use main "/money" command to show your money
  • "" - grants ability to check other players' money, e.g -> "/money somePlayer"
  • "" - allows to add, remove and set money for every registered player, e.g -> "/money someOtherPlayer <set/remove/add> "

Baltop section:

  • "opeconomy.baltop.command.use" - this is only one permission while using "/baltop" command, and it allows you to check baltop pages

Pay section:

  • "" - same as baltop, it's only one permission that grants ability to give yours' money to other player

Reedem section:

  • "opeconomy.command.redeem.use" - if you don't have this permission it will block you from doing anything with this command
  • "opeconomy.command.redeem.admin" - to use admin powers, e.g -> "/reedem <create/remove/info>..."

OpReload section:

  • "opeconomy.command.reload" - to use /opreload command

MoneyNote section:

  • "opeconomy.command.moneynote" - to have ability to withdraw money notes
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