Home - Thewessen/tic-tac-toe_ruby_backend GitHub Wiki


For a potential new job, they asked me to make a simple tic-tac-toe game using Emberjs in the frontend and Ruby on Rails in the backend. Both frameworks which I'm not familiar with. Pretty exciting and a good learning oppertunity!

In this wiki I'll describe the progress of creating a tic-tac-toe game using Ruby on Rails and Emberjs. The repositories for these projects can be found here:


Creating this app serves two purposes:

  1. Creating an app for the job interview.
  2. Learning both languages/frameworks.

Because learning is a big part of creating this app, you might see me do things that overcomplicate the app. For example: creating nicknames for working with a many to many relationship. Or creating a different route for picking a nickname in Emberjs. I do this because I want to dive into different aspects of both frameworks (the learning part).

Ruby on Rails

I have no experience with the Ruby programming language. Let alone the Ruby on Rails framework. I just recently dived into Laravel (php framework) which helped my learning process quite a bit.

This app doesn't need much of a backend too run. But, creating this app also for learning, I wanted to make the backend an almost equal part of the app.


Coming from Angular and React, I thougt working with Emberjs wouldn't be that much different. But I was naive. A big difference is the use of classes vs Ember Object, and the way they are used for databindings. It wasn't until the last day I realized what Emberjs and Ember Object are all about.

If I just had more time...

Creating this App was great! It made me cover quite a lot of ground in the Emberjs framework. For learning, their are some parts I didn't cover, and would have if I had more time:

  • Creating unit/application tests.
    • It's a good idea, before (or after) implementing something, to write a test. I skipped this part, because I thouged learning it would be to much time consuming
  • Working with EmberObjects as 'classes'.
    • I didn't dive as much into the Ember Object system as I would liked.
  • Creating route params.
    • It would be so nice to go back to a game in progress after reloading

For development purposes:

  • Scoring and 'next game' option.
  • Proper error handling.
    • their are still way's to break the game. For example: when the backend api is unavailable
  • Creating a 'load' and 'save' game option.
  • Working with signed in users:
    • Creating a multiplayer options by sharing a url between two users currently signed in.
    • A global highscore to view different user's winning/loosing stats.
  • Creating a 'A.I'-user for playing against the computer.
  • Better styling.
    • _I didn't want to give styling much attention. The instructions hint using Material Design Light for quick styling. Although I didn't know the css-framework. I thouged making it part of my learning experience. But the framework didn't feel native to me, and I made some 'quick-fixes' just to get it to work properly. This could have bin done nicer.'