Reinforcement Waves - Theseus-Aegis/MissionTemplate GitHub Wiki

This page will explain the usage of the Reinforcement Waves function.

 * Author: Mike
 * Unhides reinforcements in waves set by a timer.
 * Call from initServer.sqf
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Groups <ARRAY>
 * 1: Time between groups <NUMBER>
 * Return Value:
 * None
 * Example:
 * [[Test_Group_1, Test_Group_2], 10] call MFUNC(reinforcementWaves)
 * [MY_GROUP_ARRAY, 20] call MFUNC(reinforcementWaves);


This function takes an array of groups and a time between unhiding as reinforcements so if you select 60, every 60 seconds the groups will unhide in the order placed in the array.


if (isServer) then {
    [[Test_Group_1, Test_Group_2], 10] call TAC_Mission_fnc_reinforcementWaves;

Must be called with Server execution, wrapped in an isServer check or called immediately from initServer.sqf

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️