Reaction - Theseus-Aegis/MissionTemplate GitHub Wiki

This page will explain the usage of the Reaction function.

 * Author: Mike
 * Adds reaction EventHandlers to AI for Patrols, Static Units or Enabling movement in combat.
 * Types are: "Patrol", "Static" or "Combat"
 * Static will increase AI knowledge of shooter immediately to full for quicker return fire.
 * Patrol will have any AI moving give up their waypoints and move to engage the shooter.
 * Combat will enable AI to move when entering combat mode.
 * Call from init.sqf
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Types <ARRAY> (default: [])
 * 1: Groups <ARRAY>
 * Return Value:
 * None
 * Example:
 * [["Static"], [My_Group_One, My_Group_Two]] call MFUNC(reaction)
 * [["Patrol", "Combat"], [My_Group_One]] call MFUNC(reaction)


This function will make AI more reactive to fire. It has 3 modes "Static", "Patrol" and "Combat".

  • Static mode is for AI with movement disabled, increasing AI knowledge of who is firing at them immediately for faster returned fire.
  • Patrol mode is for any moving AI to give up their waypoints and move directly to engage the shooter.
  • Combat mode is for AI with movement or pathing disabled, upon entering combat they will be allowed to move again.

Call from init.sqf


[["Static"], [My_Group_One]] call MFUNC(reaction);

Extended Example:

[["Static", "Patrol"], [My_Group_One, My_Group_Two, My_Group_Three]] call MFUNC(reaction);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️