Node examples - Theodeus/tuna GitHub Wiki

The nodes

All values below are the default value you would get if you instantiate an effect without any settings passed as an argument.

A basic chorus effect.

var chorus = new tuna.Chorus({
    rate: 1.5,         //0.01 to 8+
    feedback: 0.4,     //0 to 1+
    depth: 0.7,        //0 to 1
    delay: 0.0045,     //0 to 1
    bypass: false      //true or false

A delay effect with feedback and a lowpass filter applied to the delayed signal.

var delay = new tuna.Delay({
    feedback: 0.45,    //0 to 1+
    delayTime: 100,    //1 to 10000 milliseconds
    wetLevel: 0.5,     //0 to 1+
    dryLevel: 1,       //0 to 1+
    cutoff: 20000,      //cutoff frequency of the built in lowpass-filter. 20 to 22050
    bypass: false

A basic phaser effect.

var phaser = new tuna.Phaser({
    rate: 0.1,                     //0.01 to 8 is a decent range, but higher values are possible
    depth: 0.6,                    //0 to 1
    feedback: 0.7,                 //0 to 1+
    stereoPhase: 40,               //0 to 180
    baseModulationFrequency: 700,  //500 to 1500
    bypass: false

A basic overdrive effect.

var overdrive = new tuna.Overdrive({
    outputGain: -9.154,           //-42 to 0 in dB
    drive: 0.197,                 //0 to 1
    curveAmount: 0.979,           //0 to 1
    algorithmIndex: 0,            //0 to 5, selects one of the drive algorithms
    bypass: false

A compressor with the option to use automatic makeup gain.

var compressor = new tuna.Compressor({
    threshold: -20,    //-100 to 0
    makeupGain: 1,     //0 and up (in decibels)
    attack: 1,         //0 to 1000
    release: 250,      //0 to 3000
    ratio: 4,          //1 to 20
    knee: 5,           //0 to 40
    automakeup: false, //true/false
    bypass: false

A convolver with high- and lowcut. You can find a lot of impulse resonses here, or by searching for "free impulse response files".

var convolver = new tuna.Convolver({
    highCut: 22050,                         //20 to 22050
    lowCut: 20,                             //20 to 22050
    dryLevel: 1,                            //0 to 1+
    wetLevel: 1,                            //0 to 1+
    level: 1,                               //0 to 1+, adjusts total output of both wet and dry
    impulse: "impulses/impulse_rev.wav",    //the path to your impulse response
    bypass: false

A basic filter.

var filter = new tuna.Filter({
    frequency: 800,         //20 to 22050
    Q: 1,                   //0.001 to 100
    gain: 0,                //-40 to 40 (in decibels)
    filterType: "lowpass",  //lowpass, highpass, bandpass, lowshelf, highshelf, peaking, notch, allpass
    bypass: false

A cabinet/speaker emulator.

var cabinet = new tuna.Cabinet({
    makeupGain: 1,                                 //0 to 20
    impulsePath: "impulses/impulse_guitar.wav",    //path to your speaker impulse
    bypass: false

A basic tremolo.

var tremolo = new tuna.Tremolo({
    intensity: 0.3,    //0 to 1
    rate: 5,           //0.001 to 8
    stereoPhase: 0,    //0 to 180
    bypass: false

A wahwah with an auto wah option.

var wahwah = new tuna.WahWah({
    automode: true,                  //true/false
    baseFrequency: 0.153,            //0 to 1
    excursionOctaves: 3.3,           //1 to 6
    sweep: 0.35,                     //0 to 1
    resonance: 19,                   //1 to 100
    sensitivity: -0.5,               //-1 to 1
    bypass: false

A lo-fi bitcrusher effect.

var bitcrusher = new tuna.Bitcrusher({
    bits: 4,          //1 to 16
    normfreq: 0.1,    //0 to 1
    bufferSize: 4096  //256 to 16384

A resonant, analog-sounding filter.

var moog = new tuna.MoogFilter({
    cutoff: 0.065,    //0 to 1
    resonance: 3.5,   //0 to 4
    bufferSize: 4096  //256 to 16384

A delay that bounces between the left and right channel.

var pingPongDelay = new tuna.PingPongDelay({
    wetLevel: 0.5,       //0 to 1
    feedback: 0.3,       //0 to 1
    delayTimeLeft: 200,  //1 to 10000 (milliseconds)
    delayTimeRight: 400  //1 to 10000 (milliseconds)

A stereo panner.

Note: For this to work in Safari and IE, you need to polyfill StereoPannerNode using stereo-panner-node.

var panner = new tuna.Panner({
    pan: 0 // -1 (left) to 1 (right)

A basic gain.

var gain = new tuna.Gain({
    gain: 1 // 0 and up