The Grand Plan - TheVirtuoid/virtuoid GitHub Wiki

This page lays out the Grand Plan for the Virtuoid game.

Pie In The Sky

If I had any resource at my disposal, at any time that I wished, my vision for the Virtuoid game is:

An Entire World

Virtuoid will be represented by a 'world', that is a planet. Officially listed as NGC 12119-1310-AF87B-4, its older identification was Omega Phi IV. It is inhabited by advanced sentient species with a humanoid appearance (fancy that) that parallels remarkably with humans on Earth.

The particulars of the world is as follows:

  1. 5119dc in radius ('dc' is short for Ducer, which equates to 1km. The 'c' is pronounced with an 's' sound).
  2. 71.% ocean
  3. Entire world navigable by land, sea, and air
  4. Temperate Zones
  5. Weather systems
  6. The name of the world is 'Tesrandi' (Anglicized: Tesrandia). The word derives from the ancient Asnodonae word "Tesransi", meaning 'Belonging to Our God' (Tes = my, Ran = god, Si = suffix for 'Belongs to'). The usage of the word is universal. 36*4
  7. It takes 504 planet rotations to complete one revolution around the host star.
  8. There is one star, a stable yellow star of medium age.
  9. There are two moons - Frambitai and Yemmerick (Asnodonae for 'Shepherd' and 'Follower'). Frambitai is about 75% the size of Earth's moon. Yemmerick is about 25% the size of Earth's moon. Both Frambitai and Yemmerick are tidally lock and share generally the same rotational plane. Scientists expect Yemmerick to merge into Frambitai in about 30 million years.
  10. There is a 21.9% tilt in the axis of the planet, producing seasons.
  11. The starting year on the planet will be 1500.


With a revolution period of 504 days, the calendar has been broken into sixteen months, with four months devoted to each season. After going 'metric' some 400 years prior to the start of the game, time keeping is broken into increments of 10. Here are the particulars:

  1. The smallest unit of measurement for general use (that is, what's shown on clocks) is the 'Sekvit'. This equates to a Second.
  2. There are 100 sekvits in a 'Minvit'. This equates to a minute.
  3. There are 100 minvits in a 'Bulvit'. This equates to an hour.
  4. There are 20 bulvits to a 'Vit' (produced with a short 'i'). This equates to a day.
  5. There are 6 vits to a 'Wevit'. This equates to a week.
  6. There are 30 or 36 vits (5 or 6 wevits) to an 'Anvit'. This equates to a month.
  7. There are 504 vits (or 16 anvits) in a 'umvit' (year).
  8. To compare the Earth model, a Sekvit in Tesrandia takes 40 milliseconds of time on Earth.

The 16-month calendar is broken into four month 'seasons'.

  1. The first three anvits of each season each have 30 days.
  2. The last anvit of the season has 36 days.
  3. The names of the vits are:
  • Ernsvit
  • Arnsvit
  • Turmivit
  • Tomivit
  • Grunsvit
  • Randsvit
  1. There are five weeks per month, except the last month of the season, in which there are six weeks.
  2. The last week of the last month is the 'Festival' week, which celebrates both the season that has past and the season to come.
  3. The first season is called 'Cludom', and is identified with Northern Hemispheric Spring. The months are named:
  • Crosku
  • Rebu
  • Du
  • Cludom
  1. The second season is called 'Stosc', and is identified with Northern Hemispheric Summer. The months are named:
  • Doman
  • Zunekan
  • Ocmovian
  • Stosc
  1. The third season is called 'Horisdelic', and is identified with Northern Hemispheric Fall. The months are named:
  • Flum
  • Glum
  • Desblum
  • Horisdelic
  1. The fourth season is called 'Dolkendo', and is identified with Northern Hemispheric Winter. The months are named:
  • Junasit
  • Brassit
  • Morsit
  • Dolckendo (there are two weekly festivals here - one for Dolckendo and another for the New Year itself. It's quite the party time.

(Interesting fact: The old Asnodonae word for 'month' was 'Sit' (pronounced as it's spelled). All the month names had 'sit' as the suffix, but that changed over time as civilizations changed the names of months and those names stuck. It's only the Dolckendo months that you still see 'sit' used).

The People

Each NPC and PC within the game will be called a 'Virtuoid'. You could even call them a 'Tesrandic', should you wish. In any event, the goal of the game is to take on a persona of a Virtuoid and play the game as if they were that person. Here are the particulars:

  1. Only one character allowed per player.
  2. There are no pre-defined roles. A player can choose to play their character in any they see fit.
  3. A character never 'sleeps'. Although not realistic, this allows for better game play where the player doesn't have to sit there and 'wait' for 6 bults (hours) a vit (day). That would be boring.
  4. During the time the player is not actively playing, nothing can happen to the PC. Events that occur still may change the situation around the PC.
  5. PCs can only die in two ways:
  • Old age (age expectancy as of right now is 104 umvits (years)). Player will have three game days to settle PC obligations once the PC has been marked to die.
  • Player kills off the PC