Political Landscape - TheVirtuoid/virtuoid GitHub Wiki

With a world as large as Tesrandi, there will be plenty of land and sea to cultivate and use for your economic enterprises. Given that, however, there will be political divisions setup that will help govern the actions of the players. How much interference will occur will be completely up to the players and administrators of Tesrandi.

First, a Little Background

Tesrandi is an actual fantasy world created in or about 1975 (your author, and creator of the world, can't remember exactly). Call Tesrandia at the time, the world began as a custom war game where individual countries were carved out of a mostly Europe / North Africa looking map. The actual war gaming on the board stopped in 1980.

There were three original countries - Shire (because, in the 1970s, EVERYONE named their countries Shire), Bromecca (named after seeing a broom - seriously), and Asnodoni (called 'The Church' back then - due to the large influence the Christian Church had over Europe during the Medieval era). The game ended at 59 countries.

Now, back to the Modern Times

For our world, we're going to begin with three countries and a CIC (Controlling Interest Country). These will be:

  1. Durshi (the home country for everyone)
  2. Vanual (an alternate country to be opened later)
  3. Bromecca (in honor of Bromecca being the very first country in the old game - also to be opened later)

The CIC will be named Asnodoni.

As we expand the size of the world, there will be opportunities for players to create their own countries.

Political Entity Creation

Players will have the opportunity to create four political entities. These are:

Villages, Towns, Cities (Tegs)

A Teg is a way for a Player to control the economies of a settlement, and how it interacts with other settlements. Any player can submit to create a new Teg. The requirements are:

  1. Must be at least two PCs to sponsor the new settlement. A single PC is elected Tegmant (Mayor)
  2. Can be within the boundaries of the country, province, or district.
  3. Can be outside the boundaries of a country. In this case, Asnodoni becomes the defacto coordinator.
  4. Must attract at least 100 NPCs.
  5. If there are 10 PCs who make their residence in the village, it becomes classified as a Town.
  6. If there are 50 PCs who make their residence in the town, it becomes classified as a City.

Districts (Mortets)

A Mortet is a collection of villages, towns, and cities that link together into a contiguous section of land. In the United States, this equates to the concept of a County. Any player can request to create Mortet. The requirements are:

  1. Must be at least 10 contiguous tegs.
  2. The requesting PC must live in one of these tegs.
  3. The teg in which the PC lives becomes the capitol of the mortet.
  4. The requesting PC will become the Mortetmant (County Commissioner)
  5. Each teg must not be part of another mortet.
  6. If the new mortet is within the boundaries of a province, it will automatically become part of the pro