Economics - TheVirtuoid/virtuoid GitHub Wiki

Economics plays a key role in the Virtuoid game. Its intent is to let natural economic selection flourish amongst the players so that economic trends can be studied. It is also the eventual goal of the game to setup different economic conditions (total free marker all the way to communism) in order that the response of players to those conditions can be studied.

To that end, the goals and ideals of the game are as follows:

Raw Materials

The basis of the game is in raw materials. Raw materials is anything taken directly from the land.


Air comprises all the elements normally in gaseous form. For the purposes of the game, Air is considered to be in unlimited supply.

Level 1

The Air itself. Unlimited supply. Cost of the air is determined by the cost of the extraction machinery and the storage facilities.

Level 2

Individual elements / components of the air, such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, smoke/dirt particulates, etc. The cost of a Level 2 Air raw material is the Level 1 cost plus the cost of specialized extraction machinery and storage containers.

Level 3

Combinations of elements / components from Level 2 chemically fused together into new compounds. The cost of a Level 3 Air raw material is the Level 2 cost plus the compilation machinery and storage containers.


Any element of composites that is naturally in a liquid state.

Level 1

Water comprises the vast majority of the liquid state within the world. Level 1 includes all the elements normally associated with water on the planet, in addition to the elements dissolved into the water. The cost of a Level 1 Liquid raw material is the cost of the extraction machines plus the cost of storage.

Level 2

The extract elements / composites from a Level 1 liquid. The cost of a Level 2 Liquid raw material is the cost of the extraction machinery plus the cost of storage.

Level 3

Combinations of elements / composites from a Level 2 liquid. Most Liquid raw materials will fall into this category. The cost of a Level 3 liquid raw material is the cost of the specialized extraction machinery and the storage containers.


A solid is any non-liquid and non-gas element and/or composites. In its simplest form - think rocks.

Level 1

A Level 1 Solid is simply anything dug up from the ground. This includes land, trees, rocks, etc. The cost of a Level 1 Solid raw material is the cost of the extraction machinery and the storage container.

Level 2

Any elements / composites extract from a Level 1 Solid. A large portion of Solids will be in this category. The cost of a Level 2 Solid raw material is the cost of specialized extraction machinery and storage containers.

Level 3

All composites of solids created from Level 2 Solids. The other large portion of Solids will be in this category. The cost of a Level 3 Solid raw material is the cost of specialized extraction machinery and storage containers.