Milestones - TheToolsmiths/ddl GitHub Wiki

1. Gather of examples, suggestions and production stories

Documentation will be created with examples of DDL formats, used both in games and other areas, suggestions of features (both discussed in Slack and new provided ones) with a brief description of why the author sees them useful, and production stories of custom DDL implementation and deployment (both success and less successful stories. Less successful stories are VERY! Important since they’ll allow us to avoid similar pitfalls).

2. Compilation of concrete design points, features and philosophies

Based on the documentation gathered in 1. a list of concrete ideas, features and philosophies will be created to guide on the creation of the DDL structure, always keeping in mind Goal 2. Be simple, yet flexible enough to be production ready

3. Creation of the DDL format

Based on the list compiled in 2. We’ll define both the language syntax and the object model to be exposed by the libraries, also keeping in mind Goal 2.