Effect Modules - TheTechnobear/Orac GitHub Wiki
Factory modules - Effects
- bitcrusher - Bit crusher
- chorus - Chorus
- clds - port of Mutable Instruments Clouds
- dclip - Clipped distortion
- delay - Delay
- dtanh - Tan distortion
- flanger - Flanger
- freezer - Granular freezer
- mooglfo - Modulated Filter
- overloop - Overloop recorder/dubbing
- pan - Pan audio
- panlfo - Modulated Pan effect
- phaser - Phaser
- pitchshift - Pitch Shifter
- r_chorus - Chorus from Mutable Instruments Rings
- r_ensemble - Ensemble from Mutable Instruments Rings
- r_reverb - Reverb from Mutable Instruments Rings
- reverb - Reverb
- specdelay - Spectral Delay
- tremelo - Tremelo
- wrps - port of Mutable Instruments Warps