byzanz Gif Maker for Linux - TheShubham99/Terasology GitHub Wiki

Byzanz Gif Maker

Byzanz is an awesome tool for recording GIFs on Linux. It is light and gives an output directly to a gif file. The colors go off often, but the small file size makes up for it.


(From this AskUbuntu answer)

11.10 to 13.10

Unfortunately support has been dropped and you can no longer find any packages for Ubuntu that wont break your system and have missing unsatisfiable dependencies.

Fortunately Debian still maintains the package for Sid and the GIT repository still exists.

If you want to go ahead and install the .deb file from Sid (works in Ubuntu 11.10, just tested, no warranties!), download it from the Debian packages page and install it with sudo dpkg -i.

Also, one of our esteemed moderators has ported the Debian package to a PPA making it easier to install, you can add it to your system and install Byzanz by opening a terminal and typing

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/byzanz
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install byzanz

14.04 and above

Byzanz is now available from the universe repository

sudo apt-get install byzanz


Usage directly from the package requires a lot of parameters and argument typing in the terminal. However, a great fellow went ahead and made a script to make it easy and added GUI features to it.

(From this AskUbuntu answer)

  • Add this script to the $PATH of your Linux (/usr/bin/ would work).
  • Save the script as byzanz-record-window and run sudo chmod +x byzanz-record-window inside that directory to grant execution permission to the script.
  • Run the script from the terminal as easily as calling out byzanz-record-window.
  • You can change the delay and other default values by editing the script.