Weblate Setup - TheShubham99/Terasology GitHub Wiki

Update: We are now on Weblate 2.1. Totally need to update the docs sometime ...

This is a quick doc dump from installing Weblate and needs to be prettified some :-)

  • Create Droplet (used CentOS 6.5 32bit with 512mb memory) + matching DNS entry translate.terasology.org
  • Make email forward [email protected]
  • yum install wget
  • cd /opt
  • wget https://bitnami.com/redirect/to/41289/bitnami-weblate-1.9-2-linux-installer.run
  • chmod u+x bitnami-weblate-1.9-2-linux-installer.run
  • ./bitnami-weblate-1.9-2-linux-installer.run --mode text
  • Follow prompts - don't start the app yet (although it seemed like it started anyway)
  • Create an OAuth application on GitHub
  • Edit config at /opt/weblate-1.9-2/apps/weblate/weblate/settings.py
  • Copy in the client ID and secret from GitHub app
  • Add "Terasology" to SITE_TITLE
  • URL_PREFIX = '' instead of having 'weblate' in there
  • Edit config at /opt/weblate-1.9-2/apps/weblate/conf/httpd-app.conf for short URLs (avoids serving a bitnami placeholder)
  • Remove one WSGIScriptAlias
  • Set the other to plain / instead of /weblate
  • Remove weblate from the media and static Aliases
  • Create SSH key
  • mkdir /sbin/.ssh
  • chown daemon:daemon /sbin/.ssh
  • sudo -u daemon ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • update the email associated with the key (edit id_rsa.pub)
  • Add public key to the robot user account on GitHub
  • verify on host: sudo -u daemon ssh -T [email protected]
  • Add email if needed to the robot user account
  • /opt/weblate-1.9-2/ctlscript.sh restart
  • Go to admin console ssh section (http://translate.terasology.org/admin/ssh/) and test host "github.com"
  • Supposedly change the site entry from example.com to translate.terasology.org ... but trying that (adding a new entry then later renaming the default and deleting the extra) broke the site once, had to rebuild :D Goes with also setting the site in settings.py but doesn't seem to matter much?
  • Add projects & sub projects. BE SURE TO USE THE SSH URLS (starts with [email protected])

Note: With this setup the involved services do not auto-start after a server restart.

Thanks to Weblate for the great product, including the nice bitnami installer, and to Minetest for having published a helpful page detailing their installation :-)

Installing Weblate 2.4

2015-12-13 msteiger CentOS 7.1

yum install git

yum install mariadb mariadb-server

CREATE USER 'weblate'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'weblatePassword'; GRANT SELECT ON weblate.* TO 'weblate'@'%';

sudo systemctl start mariadb.service --> Launch now sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service --> Launch at boot time

yum install epel-release

--> python-django is 1.6.11 -> Weblate 2.4 needs 1.7

yum install python-pip pip install django

django-admin --version

--> 1.9+

pip install translate-toolkit

pip install python-social-auth

pip install Whoosh==2.5.7

pip install Pillow

--> already exists

yum install python-lxml

yum install python-dateutil

pip install django-compressor

pip install django-crispy-forms

pip install pyuca

pip install weblate

--> Maybe pip install weblate automatically installs the right things?

--> Install webserver

yum install httpd mod_wsgi

yum install memcached

pip install python-memcached --> manage.py --> Error 'module' object has no attribute 'PY2' pip install --upgrade six

--> Configure apache2

/etc/httpd/conf.d/weblate.conf from examples/apache.conf

--> Weblate with MySQL support:

yum install MySQL-python

--> manage.py is a runnable 'weblate' command for the pip installer and stored in usr/bin