Eclipse - TheShubham99/Terasology GitHub Wiki

Eclipse can be used with Terasology just like IntelliJ, but needs a little more manual setup.

TODO: We have a few more files at config/eclipse that could use some setup instructions and/or automated customization like for IntelliJ.


All of the settings described below can be applied to a specific Eclipse project or to an entire workspace.

  • To apply the settings on a per-project basis, right-click on a project in the Package Explorer and select Properties. (Alternatively, select the project and press Alt+Enter.) After navigating to a relevant section of the Preferences menu, check Enable project-specific settings. Repeat this for all the projects you'd like to work on.

  • To apply the settings globally, select Window → Preferences from the main menu and navigate to a relevant section.

Formatting Convention Setup

  • In Java Code Style → Formatter, click Import and import Terasology's formatting settings file (Terasology/config/eclipse/formatting.xml). The Terasology formatting conventions profile should be automatically selected.

screenshot of Formatter settings menu in Eclipse

Import Order Setup

screenshot of Organize Imports menu in Eclipse

  • [Optional, but recommended] Switch to Window → Preferences → Editor → Save Actions. Check Perform the selected actions on save and Organize imports.

screenshot of Save Actions menu in Eclipse