Aseprite - TheShubham99/Terasology GitHub Wiki
What is Aseprite?
Don't get discouraged by the 15$ price tag attached to Aseprite on its page. This price applies only to certain version of the editor, refer to How to get it?#The hard way for more details.
Aseprite is a cross-platform pixel based image and animation editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X and Windows. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.
Github repository:
Steam link:
How to get it?
The easy way
Just head to the Aseprite website page, purchase it for 15$ and download it through steam, or as binary from the page.
The hard way
Aseprite costs 15$ when purchasing the precompiled version, but if you look carefully at the FAQ, you can find out that if you compile it yourself from the freely available source code, you can then use it for whatever you want. So, head over to Aseprite repo for instructions on how to compile it! I promise you you won't be disappointed!