P v NP - TheShed412/CS1501FinalStudyGuide GitHub Wiki

P v NP

Halting Problem

  • Given a program and an input, will the program halt?
    • Can a program be written to analyze whether a program will halt? (without running the inputted program)
String test = “
    public boolean proof_sketch(String program) {
    if (WILL_EVENTUALLY_HALT(program, program)){
        while (true){}
        return false;
    else {
        return true;
  • The WILL_EVENTUALLY_HALT() function detects whether the code entered will halt
  • We pass in the function given and it will contradict itself

Intractable Problems

  • Solvable, but they would take too much time to be solved practically for normal sized inputs
    • Listing all subsets of a set: O(2^n)
    • Listing all permutations of a set: O(n!)

P is for Polynomial

  • Runtimes with constant exponents
    • n^2, nlgn, etc
  • Shortest Path problem
    • Solvable with Dijkstras in polynomial time
  • Longest path
    • lol nah bro. That's hard.
  • But we can solve it...so what is it

P v NP

  • P
    • The set of all problems that can be solved by deterministic algorithms in polynomial time
  • NP
    • The set of all problems that can be solve by NON-deterministic algorithms in polynomial time
    • The N stands for non-deterministic
    • Solutions from non-deterministic algorithms can be solved in polynomial time
  • non-deterministic? Uh...kinda just magic or whatever
    • Runs as fast as choosing the right step, O(1)

Example: Hamiltonian Cycle

  • A hamiltonian cycle is a cycle through a graph that visits every vertex
  • Can this be solved?
    • Yeah, brute force. Just check every possible cycle.
  • But this would take v!
  • Can we verify the result in polynomial time?
  • Yes! We just go through the cycle and check every vertex. Done in v time

P = NP?

  • We know either P and NP are the same, or that P is a subset of NP.
  • Neither has been proven or disproven
  • We can prove P != Np by showing an NP problem is intractable
  • We can prove P = NP by finding a polynomial solution to a known NP problem
  • If P = NP:
    • Cryptography would break
      • Efficient algorithms would exist to break all they cryptography stuff. It bad.
    • But a lot of other stuff would benefit, like predicting protein structures, making automated maths proofs, and there would exist a polynomial solution to stuff like traveling salesman
  • If P != NP:
    • Nothing.
    • We assume this to be the case


  • These are the hardest problems in NP
    • They are equally "hard"
  • Prove NP-Completeness
    • We show that the solution to our problem could be used to solve another NP-Complete problem