Attacks - ThePix/rpg_web GitHub Wiki
The system sees three types of attacks, which are significant during character creations, but all handled the same during play.
Basic Weapon
For each weapon the player selects (up to the meximum) a basic weapon attack will be created, the attack bonus being the character's attack skill (though this may be modified).
Bonus Weapon Attack
Some packages give bonus attacks that are associated with a weapon. If that is the case, then an attack is created for each applicable weapon.
Bonus spell attack
Some packages give bonus attacks that are not associated with a weapon. If that is the case, then a single attack is created.
bonus The characters bonus (skill) with this attack.
resist The attribute used to determine how readily the target can avoid the attack (one of "stamina", "reflex", "will" or "none"; defaults to "reflex").
desc Some descriptive text reminding the GM of any oddities of this attack.
icon One of "melee", "bow", "gun", "unarmed" or "magic" (defaults to "melee").
special An attack can be flagged as special to have it affect creatures resistant to some attacks, one of "silver", "ice", "fire", "shock", "nether" or "mind".
comment Text that will appear under the name of the attack on the Encounter page, and can be used to give a brief note about usage.
Primary targets
When making an attack, your roll separately for each primary target. weapon attacks have a single primary target, but other attacks may have more.
primaryMax The maximum number of primary targets (defaults to 1, use 999 to indicate unlimited).
primaryMin The minimum number of primary targets (defaults to 1).
primaryDamage The damage dice for a primary attack, in the usual RPG format (eg "d4", "3d6", "2d8+2"; defaults to "d4").
Additional damage
An attack can be set to allow additional damage to a primary target. this could be the sneak attack of a rogue or an elemental effect. by default these are all false
additionalDamage The damage dice for a primary attack, in the usual RPG format or as an integer.
additionalType Set to an element to indicate this is elemental damage.
additionalDesc A reminder for the GM as to what this is. Tis could include a nore saying when it is applicable.
additionalCritsMax If this is true, then the additional damage is also maximised on a critical hit.
Secondary targets
A single attack roll and damage roll is made for all secondary targets (but each is calculated separately).
secondaryMax The maximum number of secondary targets (defaults to 0, use 999 to indicate unlimited).
secondaryMin The minimum number of secondary targets (defaults to 0).
secondaryDamage The damage dice for a secondary attack, in the usual RPG format, or as an integer (so no quote marks) to indicate a set amount.
onMiss(char), onHit(char, hits), onCritical(char, hits) One of these functions will potentially fire when an attack is made, depending on the result.