Tutorial: Precaching Grass on Anniversary Edition - TheOneAndOnlyJ3w3ls/Skyrim-Modding-Tutorials GitHub Wiki

It is possible to use a grass cache on Anniversaryy Edition 1.6+ (AE). However, the grass cache can only be generated on Special Edition 1.5.97 (SE). The way to do it is to temporarily go back to SE, generate the grass cache, and back to AE.

Step 1: Go back to Skyrim SE (1.5.97)

That is sadly unavoidable, but it is just temporary.

Option 1: Skyrim Lite Loader

Use this mod to switch between AE and SE easily. Follow instructions on the mod page (especially about SKSE) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58271

Option 2: Best of Both Downgrade

  • Use the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher and run it. Downgrade to 1.5.97 with best of both worlds. Here is the direct link to the correct version: DIRECT LINK
  • Download SKSE for game version 1.5.97 (version 2.0.20) HERE and place it in the Skyrim main folder

Option 3: Get a copy of a downgraded Skyrim version 1.5.97

  • Use the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher and run it, choose to install into a new game folder somewhere else (in version 1.5.97)
  • Download SKSE for game version 1.5.97 (version 2.0.20) HERE and place it in the new folder
  • In MO2, go to Settings > Paths > Managed game and choose the exe of the newly created game folder. MO2 will restart.

Note: the first 2 points must only be done the first time you do it

Step 2: Get all the bare minimum mods you need for grass caching on SE

This step must only be done the first time you do it.

Tip: create a new separator for those mods. Name it clearly, make it clear these are only for grass caching and not to be used for your regular playthrough on AE.

I recommend these mods as a minimum:

You may want these mods too (optional):

Tip: create a new separator for those mods. Name it clearly, make it clear these are only for grass caching and not to be used for your regular playthrough on AE.

Step 3: Copy/clone your MO2 AE profile to another one, name it Grass Caching

  • In MO2 it's as easy as Profile, <Manage...>, Copy


Step 4: Enable only mods you need for grass caching

  • Enable the mods you setup on Step 1.
  • Enable all mods related to grass, mods that have worldspace edits, and their requirements.
  • Disable mods not relevant to the grass generation (audio, armor, weapons, appearance mods, pure gameplay mods etc)
  • Run LOOT

Note: grass mods must match your AE modlist or you'll not see the correct grasses

Step 5: Get Worldspaces information for grass (check NGIO mod for instructions)


Step 6: Precache Grass with NGIO (see NGIO for instructions)

  • Run LOOT
  • Log into Steam, Boot the game (SKSE via MO)
  • Make sure you can start a New Game and there aren't any issues, close the game.
  • Start the Precache Grass in MO2


  • Be patient, it takes a while. It will also crash a few times, that is normal.
  • When you get the message that the caching is done, save the grass cache files from your Overwrite as a mod. It is the grass folder, ignore MO2 saying it is invalid.

Step 7: Switch back to your Skyrim AE 1.6+

If you chose option 1:

  • Switch back to your AE MO2 profile
  • Enable the mod you created with the Precache Grass files
  • Run LOOT

If you chose option 2:

  • Verify game files in Steam
  • Switch back to your AE MO2 profile
  • Enable the mod you created with the Precache Grass files
  • Reinstall SKSE for AE
  • Run LOOT

If you chose option 3:

  • Switch back to your Skyrim AE exe in MO2 (Settings > Paths > Managed Game and select the AE executable). MO2 will restart.
  • Switch back to your AE MO2 profile
  • Enable the mod you created with the Precache Grass files
  • Run LOOT

Step 8: Finalize the process

You'll be making use of the following mod: Grass Cache Helper NG https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101095?tab=description

This mod will allow you to do all remaining steps that were previously manual. Make sure to read the mod page.

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